My friend Bear

Introducing non-commercial, international art project #

"Disunity threatens humanity with destruction." Academician A.D. Sakharov
Talking to visitors My Friend the Bear Museum and Workshop, we came to the conclusion that many would like to be realized in creativity. We go to exhibitions, theaters, cinema, we can talk for hours about other people's works, and at the same time we do not dare to take the first step.
A bold idea appeared to help people meet their dreams, to feel like artists.
Project idea:
We send a teddy bear made of red paper to anywhere in the world. The recipient invents and writes down a story for Mishkin, depicts it on a canvas (20x20cm), glues our hero to it. Then it's up to you to take a picture with the painting and send it back by mail.
Frankly, there were doubts ...
My son asked me a question: “You will not be very upset as a result of failure? Do you really think that someone will be interested in it? "
In the depths of my soul there was a hope that my friends would support the project. But I didn’t even suspect what interest it would arouse.
From the first days, the idea was recognized!
The project started on February 14, 2019 in Krasnogorsk near Moscow, and just a month and a half later, people sent us 59 paintings with the stories of the Red Bear.

On February 14, 2019, the character of the Museum-Workshop "Red Bear" was born, who became the main character of the story, told by brush and paints, of the project participants.
We called the first exhibition that way: "59 Little Stories of the Red Bear". It was held in the Youth Center of the city of Krasnogorsk.
After the end of the exposition, on my page on social networks, I wrote:
“I am proud, I confess honestly. I am happy that I was involved, that they believed me, allowed me, helped me. I live and breathe this project. "

Our project was celebrated at the Foundation of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexey Kudrin.
We spent a whole week exhibiting at the Foundation - the University of the Committee for Civic Initiatives.

A park was built in honor of our hero
Red Bear represented Krasnogorsk district at the forum "I am a citizen of the Moscow region." Six months later, 90 paintings with stories from all over the world came to us. All of them participated in the festival “TeddyEurAsia ", held in the city of Perm, in 2019.

The activities of the Museum-Workshop "My Friend the Bear" - lectures, mini-exhibitions, training, competitions, educational publications, offline and online.
Today there is an Internet resource "redmishka.rf", where you can get acquainted with all the stories of our heroes.
In November 2019, as part of the festival of creativity "People have to be different." we presented our Special Project, in which more than 40 adults and children with disabilities took part.
Now we have 136 stories of "Red Bear" with us, ninety of them can be seen in the Youth Center of Krasnogorsk, to which we are very grateful for their support. Although our Museum is still homeless, we do not have our own premises, but the stories of the Red Bear cannot be hidden in boxes. It is important that as many people as possible get to know them!
We invite you to participate in our project, there is no place for worries and fears.
Nobody competes here. Everyone does creative work for himself: he reveals and gives the World his inner World, his little story.

The project is unique, incredibly beautiful and very kind
Exhibitions of Mishka's little stories help to learn more about other people, their lives, feelings and dreams. That we only at first glance seem to be different. But we all equally need love, self-realization, understanding and support.
The project has become the zone of trust, mutual respect and honesty that everyone needs.

Paintings, stories and photo portraits of artists participate in all our exhibitions
I would like to exclude the practice of "walk and see", which has existed in the museum world for many years. Our workshop is going to captivate its visitors with the history of the toy. Together we will create, learn and develop.

The exposition can be viewed even now, in the Youth Center of Krasnogorsk
2020 has brought us new formats of communication and creativity. During the isolation period, we handed over thirty teddy Red Bears to the hospital, to children. Together with friends of the Museum, they painted pictures about 63 districts of the Moscow region. In October 2020, we held the exhibition #
Friendship and participation knows no bounds!
Our Museum annually transfers New Year's gifts to the rehabilitation center for children who find themselves in difficult life situations. And also ... we began to knit things for babies born ahead of time. We regularly transfer them to the Krasnogorsk maternity hospital. The warmth of woolen things, knitted with kind hands, helps children to develop faster.

Many already call our Red Bear the symbol of the city
Thanks to the trust of people, we were able to create a unique project, incredibly beautiful and very kind!
Today, authors from 11 countries of the world, 42 cities took part in our project. The age of the participants is from 4 to 74 years old. Geography of the project from Orlando to Khabarovsk.
Join us and you will plunge into the atmosphere of kindness and creativity!
The material was prepared by the authors-curators of the project: Natalia and Zakhar Usachev
(+7 929 6317219, [email protected]) FB and Instagram: @drugmoimishka
Wonderful project !!!
Yes, indeed, the project leaves no one indifferent.