Tash Pollard is the Guide to Mythical Creatures.
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Wood, fire and ancient folklore.
Продолжая рассказ об авторах «Альтернативных кукол», хочу подробнее остановиться на творчестве британского мастера — Tach Pollard.
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The artist creates surreal heroes, stylized creatures - "Spirits of Nature", as the author himself calls them.
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Once you see Pollard's work, it is no longer possible to forget them. Peering into the faces, figures of the characters, you are amazed at the outlandish imagery. But, at the same time, the characters respond in their souls, stir up imagination, catch ...
Tash says:
“I live in the UK. In my childhood, when my family moved to live closer to the forest, I became interested in collecting tree roots. Oak, especially attracted me. Their bizarre shape excited my imagination. Before school started, I woke up early, took a small cart, folded up my finds and took them home. "
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«Я вижу предполагаемую форму корня, когда вытаскиваю его из земли»…
“As soon as I had free time, I cleaned my treasures of moss and bark. In those days, my father had a small shop. Sometimes I was allowed to sell these roots at a stall on the street.
Much later, decades later, in the backyard of my home, I stumbled upon a mountain of discarded childhood roots. I wanted to cut something out of them.
The first hero seemed to me so perfect that I immersed myself in this process. "
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«Резьба — это способ воспеть дерево, особенно энергию корней, многие годы державших его на земле».
“I continue to collect roots from the surrounding forests. I love the feeling when you find a new snag or piece of wood and, anticipating the magic, you begin to see the shape hidden inside.
Over the past few years, I have started carving characters from hawthorn wood. I got the opportunity to use many more details and decorative elements. "
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Hawthorn is a mystical tree, sung in the folklore of many countries. Let us recall at least the story of how the magician from ancient English legends, Merlin (literally synonymous with the word "magic"), was forever imprisoned in the roots of this plant.
«Для меня большая честь работать с этим материалом».
“I like its florid shapes, the whiteness of the wood. When it dries, it splits and cracks, bends and moves, creating bizarre shapes. "
«Большая часть моих работ вдохновлена самим природным материалом, его структурой».
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“The hawthorn is very dense and gnarled. This allows me to carve images born of myth and legend. The land on which these trees have been growing for millennia is full of Scandinavian and Icelandic sagas. "
The artist has learned to define the shape of wood. For greater expressiveness of the image, burns, tones, treats with oil.
Tash muses:
“The British Isles are full of ancient traditions of dragons, mermaids, witches and giants. My characters live in a parallel world. But in the twilight between fog and sky, you can sometimes see them. "
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Последний из MerFox — герой мифов, способный перевоплощаться из одной формы в другую, для путешествий по призрачным мирам.
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The author's characters tune the soul to a contemplative, pensive mood.
The proportions of the characters are amazing. Thin, long lines create the impression of being incorporeal, incorporeal.
Pollard's works are a vivid example of the author's rethinking of the surrounding world and the masterful embodiment of artistic images.
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The author's presentation of the heroes deserves special attention. Photos are Tasha's special universe.
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Фионн — хитрый дух, использует второе зрение, чтобы видеть в призрачных мирах.
Сегодня работы Полларда можно увидеть во многих местах по всему миру; «Поместье и садах Пашли», «Парке скульптур», «Галерее Брайтон», «Галерея Сердца – Крюк», «Коко де Мер» — Лондон, «Банк семян Тысячелетия» — Уэйкхерст-Плейс, «Лес Дикой природы», «Галерее Люсинды Браун» и многих других экспозиционных центрах.
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On the Internet, it is almost impossible to find a photo of the author himself. He leads a closed life and anxiously protects his fairy-tale world.
Photos are taken from open sources on the Internet.
With love and respect, Tatiana Kalinina
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