MK. "Removing the silicone mold from the doll's face and hands."

In this video I will tell you how to remove the silicone mold from the doll's face and arms.
I use a dental biphasic silicone that can be purchased from a specialist health care store. When two components are mixed, a self-solidifying mass is obtained.
Any silicone you can purchase can be used.
I will shoot the shape of a small handle, which is quite difficult to sculpt, especially if you are making several dolls at the same time.
This method significantly reduces the time for its manufacture.
In the first step, using a wire, I fix the handle over the plastic cup so that my fingers do not touch the day of the cup.
- I cut off the other two cups, mark the level of the poured components with a felt-tip pen.
- Mix equal amounts of two silicone components, white and pink.
- Pour into the glass where the handle is placed.
- We are waiting for solidification, about ten minutes and remove the glass.
- In order to remove the part, and subsequently remove the soft workpieces, we need to make a neat cut.
In a similar way, remove the shape from the doll's face.
Now you can produce the required amount of doll parts. It is enough to gently press into the resulting form, either self-hardening or baked plastic.
Enjoy your creativity!
Material prepared by Marina Minina
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