"A doll is something that stays with you forever."

"I don't remember when I wanted to make dolls..."
- Unlike those artists who know exactly how and when the desire to make dolls was ignited in them, I don't remember such a moment in my life. I tried once, but I could never pinpoint the exact date. I can't say that they were always there, but they have somehow blended in, as a matter of course, and stayed.
The preconditions, of course, have been there since childhood. Like most girls, I sewed on dolls and the dolls themselves. And with my diploma work in arts and crafts at an art school, I had 2 dolls in Russian boyar costumes. I remember now from what improvised means I made them then, and my eyes begin to twitch nervously ...
My favourite subject at art school was sculpture. It was the same at university. However, having decided for myself before admission that sculpture is not a woman's profession, I chose another... A very woman's profession, apparently...
By education I am an artist-designer of furniture and equipment. And for many years she worked in the field of furniture and interior design, but the craving for sculpture, plasticity of forms and human images was embodied in dolls.
When I wanted to make my first "adult" doll (about 15 years ago), there was not much information on the internet about how and what to make it from. So, I, like many people, had to reinvent my "wheel". And, in the end, I even invented one.

Star of the East. 2011

Star of the East. Details.
"It's important to be on the same page as like-minded people."
There was training later, and, by the way, my first teacher at the Puppet Design School was Nina Radzikhovskaya. There were courses at the Puppet Collection Studio Club with favourite artists Lyubov Luk'yanchuk and Natalia Lopusova-Tomskaya. And the year-long course "Puppets: Art and Design".
All this gave new valuable knowledge and presented many wonderful like-minded people. Then I realized how important it is for me to communicate with people charged with a common hobby, with whom "on the same wavelength."

On the Nerl. 2015
Of course, many of those with whom I studied swiftly swam forward, while my sailing, for various reasons, was rather unhurried. Therefore, so far I have much less implemented ideas than conceived ones. But, step by step, I am becoming more and more confident on the path that I have always wanted to follow.

Easter is red. 2015

First snow. 2015
"...Always looking for inspiration."
One of my most recent achievements has been winning 2nd place in the "Let's Dance" competition and being a member of the Creative Union of DPI Artists as a prize. I thank the organizers and other participants for their enthusiasm, and myself, what the hell, for taking the plunge. After all, the dolls made for the competition were the first in my art for several years. Now the plans are growing with renewed vigour. And once again I would like to thank the artists of the "Art Doll" section. They are one of my main inspirations.

Cloud Maidens. Work, winner of the TSH DPI competition "Let's Dance"
Have I found my style, direction? Like any creative person, I have hobbies and distractions in different directions. There are so many interesting, beautiful, deep things, so many I want to try to study and do myself. And I think that's okay.
I have textile dolls, folk dolls, and blythe dolls, and not only dolls, but also animals, jewelry, drawings, even fairy tales (about dolls, there were none, except perhaps made of baked plastic - this is not at all my feelings) ...

Noyon. 2018

Noyon. Details

A herd of zealous horses.

Inspired. 2018

Inspired. Details
But in the variety of interesting activities, techniques and directions, there is always what he did and, as they say, calmed down. And there is something that always remains with you. Among such constant interests are: sculpture and self-hardening plastics, Slavic (and not only, as you can see from the photo) folklore and costume. This is what I want to learn, do and give to others.
What inspires me (apart from like-minded people)? Anything! - Music, a painting, a fairy tale, a poem, a natural phenomenon or some human feeling. A doll for me has never been just a pretty girl Masha, Natasha, etc. in a smart dress. I want to tell her more. And I try to put an idea into every doll, to fill it with meaning, to write a whole story with its image. And the main reward is to see that the meaning I put into it is felt by the audience.

The Last Dragon. 2021 Project Bella Italia
In general, summing up all of the above, I see that dolls have been in my life for a very long time. Although, in fact, I am only at the beginning of the path. Wish me good luck!
By the way, furniture has remained one of my not passing interests ... Only now it is furniture for dolls. But that's a completely different story.
Julia Gapunik @yugdolls
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