History of the Project. The Adventures of Training Figle. Part 3.
Greetings, friends. Today I will tell you about Nac Mac Figlyah.
Such a "little thing" could have been overlooked, but, you know, a year later... That very "Butterfly Effect" had serious consequences for our project.
By that time, Mother and Magrat (two Witches), shyly awaiting clothes, Nanny, (the third Witch) did not give in ...
It was then that Feegl happened ...

Nac Mac Feegley, Little Free Folk
Nac Mac Feegley - small, red-haired, blue-skinned little men, mostly dressed in kilts, who can disappear, walk between Worlds, fly on birds and much more. They live mostly on the Chalk Hills (you can learn more about them in Terry Pratchett's Little Free Folk). Luckily, these hills aren't too far from our Sheepfolds.

Our first Figl
And that would be all well and good, but in their concept of Genesis - they are in Paradise, naturally for good behaviour, so they can feel free. For this reason they allow themselves whatever they want. And they always want one thing: Tyrx, Drax, Poilo Drax, which translates as - they're thieves, brawlers, and drinkers like few. But nevertheless, the sweetest, bravest and funniest souls.
So Feegl turned out right away and cheerfully healed in our ever-increasing collection, starred in photo shoots, adorned our lives and, as Feegl should be, did not let himself be forgotten.
A YEAR has passed ...

Photo session with magic stones
And to our, believe me, surprise, we decided to do more than one, which, by the way, is the Little Free Folk, a very numerous...
Imagine a whole Narodts. Previously, we would not have dared to do this ...
And here - little Figl, and Butterfly with her Effect... How it all -turned....

And in the beginning there were sketches, many sketches ...

Feegl posed as best he could
To be continued…
Material prepared Lyudmila Bulatnikova
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
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