Today is the Chief Architect of our project, Natalia Bocharova will tell you about magic stones.
Magic field in the vicinity Ovtsepikov has a very high density. Perhaps it is the high level of residual magic that the kingdom owes to the fact that it contains at least two exits to other dimensions.

All secrets are revealed
In the recent past elvesin another dimension regularly raided Lancre using these passages. And this lasted until the exits were sealed STONESmade of meteoric iron.

From the life of stones

Cats, cats everywhere
One of these passages is located in the Heather Wastes, not far from the city. It is surrounded by a group of several upright stones, the so-called Dancers (English Dancers).

At the Plyasunov
The second passage is located higher in the mountains. It is guarded by Verzila (English Long Man) - a composition of one long and two small, round stones, densely overgrown with vegetation. Near Verzila, there is also the entrance to the Lancre Caves.

Parallel Gifts
So testifies TERRY PUTCHETT, and I trust him.
Therefore, I started the stone theme seriously and with great care. I walked, thought, kicked, looked at the stones on the road. I imagined myself entering Lancre. And the stones frowned at me, then smiled ominously. I imagined how huge tall stones move apart into another world ... Brrr. Scary.

Sudden photo
Потом случился «ALL OF A SUDDEN«, как и положено в приличных историях. И камни Stonehenge appeared before me in all their ancient glory. And there was no way to get away from them. Therefore, if my stones remind you of something, then you know in which direction I was looking ...

Everyone is afraid of time, and time is afraid of Stones ...
To be continued…
Material prepared Natalia Bocharova
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