A doll should be created with great respect for people.

Elena says about herself:

“Here you are very little walking across the field, collecting flower petals, making a decoction from them for bruises and abrasions. During your school years, you dream of becoming a scientist or a doctor, but often you sit at an easel in an art school and solve problems in your favorite trigonometry. As a result, you graduate from the Faculty of Cybernetics and work as a designer in an advertising agency, and then in a large economic publishing house. Then, somehow unexpectedly, you have been a puppeteer for fifteen years and have been teaching puppetry for ten years in a row. "

A doll at the very beginning of the journey
"I have a technical background. When I started making dolls, I tried to fill the gaps by taking classes in sculpture, painting and drawing... I always find time for museums and galleries and, of course, I look at my colleagues' work - it's a treasure trove of inspiration and a great workshop...

Night Violet

The main thing I realized is that you can't doubt yourself, you have to catch inspiration and create. ".
Information sheet:

Elena Misyuna and Guest from the Future. The height of the doll is 143 cm.
The puppeteer Elena Misyuna creates sculptural and movable dolls.
Elena is a member of the International Association of Puppeteers Authors (MOAK), since 2008.
Member of the TSHR (Creative Union of Artists of Russia), since 2012.
Member of the Global Doll Society (JDC), since 2014.
Member of the TSH DPI (Creative Union of Artists of Decorative and Applied Arts, section of the author's doll), since 2019
Elena is a participant of the exhibitions “Art of Dolls” (Moscow), “Salon of Dolls” (Moscow), “Modna Lyalka” (Kiev), doll exhibitions in Georgia and Great Britain.
Was invited to the jury of online competitions of author's dolls: "Let's dance", "Waltz of the flowers", "Angels", "My space".
Author of a video course on the sculptural doll "The Fire Maiden" (21 hours of educational video on creating a sculptural doll).



Fabulous Prince of Siam
Elena Misyuna's works are in private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA, China, Latvia, France and other European countries.

A source
Author's thoughts:
- At the beginning of any path, a person is overcome by doubts ... There is not a single puppeteer who would not be worried whether his hands are so molded, his eyes are quite picturesquely filled, whether the hat is sewn correctly.
- Regardless of what stage of mastery you are, you must continue to learn. It helps build confidence.
- One important human need is to acquire new knowledge and skills. If you can't do just one thing, you stop developing and the thing you love turns into a chore.
- The desire to receive emotions, feedback from people is the engine that enables the artist to go further.

Rainbow Story
Elena says:
“In dolls I strive to display physical and spiritual harmony, the beauty of a person.”

Crew Delayed
"The author is responsible for the culture that he forms with his works."
“Everything in an art doll should be 'for real', commensurate with the scale, neat and, as far as possible, reliable. Then the Doll will serve as a decoration of the house for many years, it will be passed on from generation to generation as a family heirloom. "

Spruce Needle
"When we are passionate about a new job, we get a state of elation. It's important to stay in that flow so that it develops into meaningful work. Then the images of the puppets become thoughtful and the level of craftsmanship grows.
"Creating works of art is a pleasure of a very high order.

Snow Maiden
"My students never cease to amaze me.

Charlie and Evelyn
“Creative people come to me, each with their own history, many with an already established style. It is incredibly interesting, without breaking the personality, to add touches, direct and share your best practices in creating an art doll.
Each lesson is a discovery. Sometimes it starts with giving up the usual way of working. But by the end of the course, my reward is the students' glowing eyes. ”

Flora and Psyche
Who is better than the disciples to say about their master?
- In the classroom, there is such an atmosphere that there is self-confidence, confidence that everything will work out.
- After training, the master does not forget his disciples. You can always contact and get an answer.
- During classes, Elena generously shares her rich experience, covers much more than is stated in the master class.

The Fire Maiden
"Learn, improve and make dolls! It really is beautiful!"
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