A path full of discovery

Creativity is like a journey to yourself.
Today we will touch upon an interesting topic that periodically arises for each author, regardless of his creative experience.
Let's talk about the fears of puppeteer artists. And we will discuss this topic with a wonderful master Lilia Glushchenko.
Her work "Sunny Mom" took SECOND PLACE in the competition organized by the Creative Union of Artists of the DPI section of the Author's Doll, "My space".
Lilia says:
“I want to mention the fears that overcame me at the beginning of my career and emerged from time to time when I was already firmly on my feet”.
Fear of plagiarism.
From the very beginning, I was afraid to create something similar to others. The fear of repeating other people's ideas permeated me so much that I closed myself off from all social networks, did not watch the feed, did not look outside for inspiration. All the heroes who appeared at that time were removed from the depths of my soul.
I was so eager to develop a personal style from the beginning that I didn't look around. She was afraid to "steal" or inadvertently succumb to someone's charm and copy the style.
And if it turned out that I with someone, by chance, conceived the same theme for the collection, it was just a mental disaster! I worried about failure in advance, thinking that someone would decide that I had spied on. Or they will just pass by, because there is already that "famous" collection.
Fear of being misunderstood.
Weird ideas come to me all the time. Now I call them creative, but then I thought they were "strange." I was afraid that my viewer would not be found, that I would not get the desired response, and ideas would be leveled, or, embodied in the images of Teddy, they would go to live in a box.
This has happened more than once. Not because the idea was not understood, I just hid it or did not bring the work to its logical conclusion. Again, out of fear.
Fear of being wrong.
Fear of an unknown beforehand mistake in work. They say that undefined fear is anxiety. So, I was worried that at some stage of the work something would go wrong. I miss the choice of material. I'll ruin the toning. The pattern will fail. I was afraid to trust myself and embark on a creative experiment.
Today I am simply happy that none of these fears are in front of me anymore!
I know that each of my work is unique. I love every new hero and I believe that he came to this world to carry his own mission: to delight, surprise, inspire.
Now I confidently know the techniques of creating patterns. I have three of them in the author's arsenal. I am no longer afraid of shapes, sizes, or new materials.
Creativity for me is like a journey to myself. I create only what is close to me, without looking at others. And with each new job I understand that my path, for a very long time, will be full of discoveries.
With love and respect, Tatiana Kalinina
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