The Union of Cultures Creative Association, with the support of the V.V. Mayakovsky Centre for Art and Music of the Central State Pedagogical Library, presents the Christmas exhibition "Reflection of a Star" as part of the Festival "Christmas Mystery". The Creative Association "Union of Cultures" presents the Christmas exhibition "Reflection of the Star" within the framework of the Festival "Christmas Mystery".
Star of Bethlehem, The sign of Christ's birth, the symbol of faith and hope in the miracle of Christmas, lives in everyone's soul. We see the reflection of this light in a child's timid drawing and in the work of a mature artist.
The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is meant to unite Christians of different faiths from all over the world. The value of the exhibition lies in its polyphony, representing a variety of genres: sculpture and painting, author dolls, stained glass and calligraphic scrolls. The exhibition features works by artists from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Moscow and Tver.
The project involves well-known and acknowledged masters such as Catherine Dutova of the Hermitage Restoration Workshops, the Guild of Textile Artists of the Union of Artists and the Association of Puppeteers of St Petersburg.
The Museum of St Petersburg Angels provided works by the famous puppet artist, sculptor Roman Shustrov. A special note to the exhibition is given by the presence of children's works by art school students.
Also on display are Christmas decorations made by children from Italy, courtesy of the Swiss Ibrahim Kodra Foundation.
The Christmas exhibition is intended to awaken people's creative spirits and create a feeling of holiday joy.
«Наш любимый Снежный человек, которого сотворил Роман Шустров, сидит в одиночестве, только комья снега вокруг. Эта кукольная скульптура так и называется «Петербургский снег».
Коллективная выставка «Отражение звезды», которую задумала и претворила в жизнь художник Наталья Баскакова — для тонких душ, для романтиков и философов.
Настроения могут посетить там разные: от печали — до безудержного веселья, со всеми красками мира в детских работах. Узнала и порадовалась фантастически красивым платкам Ирины Яблочкиной, бумажным шедеврам Елены Павловой, нежным гобеленам Натальи Цветковой. И ещё двум ангелам Романа нашлось достойное место — рядом со святым Петром работы Ирина Панфиленок, — делится своими впечатлениями Елена Дмитренко».
The exhibition can be seen until the end of the Christmas holidays on 19 January 2022, at 20 Nevsky Prospekt in St Petersburg, the Centre for Music and Art (Mayakovka). Admission is free.
Material provided by Elena Dmitrenko and Natalia Baskakova
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