Sylvia Weser porcelain dolls

Sylvia Weser was born and lived in Germany. Her dolls have won many awards - best doll in Europe, awards in several "Eurodoll" categories. Even in her youth, she was interested in art and studied painting and sculpture. Her love of dolls began with collecting.
When Sylvia made her first dolls in clay and plasticine she realised that this was her vocation. In 1990, Sylvia Weser had her first exhibition. Since then, she has won many awards for her creations at international competitions.
Куклы Sylvia Weser — грациозные девушки с очень характерной формой закрытых пухлых губок и круглыми иногда овальными лицами. Глаза напоминают форму и постановку глаз антикварных немецких кукол, имеющих узнаваемые полудетские личики dolly face. Фарфоровые куклы Sylvia Weser при всей своей индивидуальности и современности безошибочно опознаются как немецкие куклы, продолжающие великую кукольную традицию этой страны. Художница почти не работала с малой формой — ее куклы достигают метровой высоты.
The Sylvia Weser dolls are made of very fine porcelain, which is a very realistic imitation of human skin, with a mohair wig on their heads, and clothes made of antique fabric and decorated with embroidery and vintage lace.
The unique and dreamy Sylvia Weser dolls are the dream of every true connoisseur of beauty!
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