• eric-lansdown-thedailydollnews-1-2.

    Eric Lansdown is a talented artist specialising in creating dolls houses and birdcages inspired by historic architecture. His work is admired and has been published in numerous publications and adorns hotels, opera houses and galleries around the world. Born on 29 May 1952 in San Francisco, Eric Lansdown grew up in a family of artists and entrepreneurs in the cultural capital of ...
  • recipe-creating-rust-dailydollnews-11-2023-1-2

    A recipe for creating rust for art projects. To complete their project and create a memorable image, puppet masters have to resort to the most unexpected solutions. They may use unusual materials or experiment with different techniques. One such solution may be to create a rust effect on the objects in the overall composition of the project. This requires not only technical skills, but also ...
  • master-class-dailydollnews-30-10-1-1-2

    This masterclass will help you to create champignons from polymer clay without using moulds. The fashion for mushrooms in textiles, paper and cotton papier-mâché, polymer clay has swept social networks. Especially interesting are the variants of multifunctional constructions and decorations in the design of lamps, household utensils and clothes with mushrooms. Now everyone who is in the "trend" should have a brooch-muchomore or embroidery with opiate mushrooms. Mushrooms - ...
  • kiyomi-realistic-miniature-1-2

    Miniature painting has a long history in Japan. The technology has been around for thousands of years. Some of the most common examples include bonsai trees, objects symbolising technological progress, and even mobile phones. Following this trend, Japanese artist Kiyomi (aka Chiisana Shiawase) is showcasing her own collection of handmade miniatures. These days, artists can miniaturise anything. Kiyomi has breathed new ...
  • miniature-debbie-volquarts-1-2

    Puppet miniatures always amaze with unimaginable detail in scale. The works of Debbie Volquarts are another indisputable proof of the author's skill and imagination. Looking at them, you become involved in another world where you are a guest and a contemplator. Someone stays in this world and accepts its rules, and someone leaves and closes the door behind him. My name is Debbie Volquarts, and I am ...
  • miniature book master class 1

    Book miniature is an ancient fine and decorative-applied art, where the ability to repeat binding technology with the elegance of large-scale painting and text is especially appreciated. Alexandra Tiunova's Miniature Book Masterclass is a wonderful manual for puppeteers who want to decorate their work with details of space and add poetics and drama to the character. https://youtu.be/69Od_LEqYtQ  
  • master class christmas nativity scene 1 01

    The brightest holiday of the year, Christmas, is about to knock on our doors, and we prepare its meeting with excitement and expectation of a miracle. In order to fulfil our expectations we need to create a symbol of Christmas: traditional decorations in the form of a star, as well as a Christmas creche with a manger, decoration and figures. There is a beautiful old tradition to put a creche in the house at Christmas. This model ...
  • Dollhouse-miniature-history

    The history of the doll's house dates back to the 16th century. The oldest known doll's house was built in 1558 for Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria - but not as a toy, but as the smallest work of art and exhibit. In the 17th and 18th centuries, wealthy patrician families in Nuremberg and Augsburg took up the idea and rebuilt their houses in miniature, ...
  • %D0%91%D0%B5%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%BC%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9 1 %D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F %D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C 1

    The III International Festival of Puppet Theatres "Baltic Puppetry", which started on 11 September 2022, continues. Puppet theatre is miniature magic and participants from Russia, Serbia and Israel surprise with their ideas. Original productions, on the stages of the Vyborg theatre "Holy Fortress", touch on many topics that will be of interest to audiences of all ages. As part of the festival, the play "The Happy Prince", directed by Philip ...