Tag: сделай сам
Masterclass: Wings of an Angel in macramé technique
Предлагаем вам окунуться в мир макраме и создать своими руками Крылья Ангела по мастер-классу от Rox Shana. Макраме — это удивительное искусство, которое пленяет своей красотой и уникальностью. Это древнее искусство плетения узлов возникло в древние времена и до сих пор не перестает завораживать людей своей изящностью. С каждым годом макраме обретает все большую популярность, ... -
All "Up to the Bulb": ideas for recycling burned-out light bulbs
Today we have prepared for you some interesting and creative ideas for disposing of burned out light bulbs. These ideas will surely make you think: "To throw away or to keep?". The answer is obvious - leave them! In this article we will tell you how to turn old light bulbs into stylish and functional interior items. Before you start creating something new, you need to prepare the bulb. This includes ... -
Masterclass on creating a cardboard toy "Boniface"
The master class on creating a cardboard toy "Boniface" offers us an opportunity to realise our creative ideas with the help of an accessible material - cardboard. History shows that cardboard is not only a simple and accessible material, but also a great basis for creating unique and colourful projects. This masterclass offers to create a funny toy in the form of a circus lion named Boniface. Alexandra ... -
Epoxy sea in Resin Art: step-by-step instructions
Do you want to decorate your home with a unique work of art? Want to surprise your friends and family with an unusual gift? Paint the sea with epoxy resin using the Resin Art technique! It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is the desire to create and a little patience. Creating an epoxy resin painting with Resin Art: Step 1: Prepare the work surface and materials .... -
Masterclass "Polymer clay mushrooms"
This masterclass will help you to create champignons from polymer clay without using moulds. The fashion for mushrooms in textiles, paper and cotton papier-mâché, polymer clay has swept social networks. Especially interesting are the variants of multifunctional constructions and decorations in the design of lamps, household utensils and clothes with mushrooms. Now everyone who is in the "trend" should have a brooch-muchomore or embroidery with opiate mushrooms. Mushrooms - ... -
Miniature book. Masterclass by Alexandra Tiunova
Book miniature is an ancient fine and decorative-applied art, where the ability to repeat binding technology with the elegance of large-scale painting and text is especially appreciated. Alexandra Tiunova's Miniature Book Masterclass is a wonderful manual for puppeteers who want to decorate their work with details of space and add poetics and drama to the character. https://youtu.be/69Od_LEqYtQ
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023