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    The first Art-industrial exhibition-forum "UNIQUE RUSSIA" Historical event. Exactly 190 years ago, with the support of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire, the first manufactory exhibition in Moscow took place. The aim of the exhibition was proclaimed "... to have a useful influence on the industrial development of Russia ...". ...
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    Collar of the XVI-XVII centuries. Story. Sewing master class. My name is Olga Sidorova. And I make porcelain dolls in historical costumes. The costumes on my dolls are detachable, made according to restored old patterns. Before starting work, I carefully study the information, look at the paintings, read the publications of professionals so that the costume is as similar to the original as possible. I bring to your attention a story about ...
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    Milling cutter, raf, gorghera, bryzi - what is it? In the history of fashion, these terms are often used to describe the costumes of the 16th-17th centuries. So in different languages were called very fashionable in those days, rigid round corrugated collars made of starched fabric or lace. The fashion for such collars appeared in Spain and gradually spread to other countries. At first it was a small ...
  • 29 Роман шустров Петербургсий ангел

        Is it possible to see angels? Have you ever met angels? So that after the meeting you can confidently describe their appearance and be confident that now you can easily recognize the heavenly assistants and immediately accept their wise advice? I will assume not. It is impossible to see something that does not have a material body and does not obey any earthly laws. Then from where a stable image was formed ...
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    The world of dolls is very interesting and multifaceted. Once you plunge into it, you stay there forever. Today I want to tell you about people who collect whole collections of wonderful dolls. This hobby is called Plangonology. It's not just about antique, unique, wooden or porcelain dolls. Nowadays, there is such a variety of copyright, made in a single copy, or publicly available plastic ...
  • 15. Эльвира Шиленко 4

    Author's tree ... It seems that everything is simple. But, I'm sure, each with these words will present something of their own, depending on their own hobbies and preferences. Florist, puppeteer, decorator, tailor, DIY enthusiast, even some carpenter and many, many others - everyone, with a certain amount of imagination, will surely find their own idea for a Christmas tree. The tree can be from, oddly enough, the tree ...
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    Inspiration in creativity is perhaps the most important in creating something unusual, individual. And interior design, in particular, decorating a festive fir tree, has already become a New Year's ritual and can even claim to be a work of art if it is done by professional designers. The tree can be decorated in one style - for example, choose a white spruce and complement it with large satin bows. ...
  • 13. Современные ватные игрушки. Мастер – Наталья Привалова.

            The warmest memories in the life of every person are associated with family holidays. Remember how in childhood, on New Year's Eve, at the most magical time of preparation for the holiday, together with my parents we take out the treasured boxes with Christmas decorations and decorate the forest beauty? We could spend hours sorting out our favorite treasures, playing with bright balls ...
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    How to make skin texture for large realistic dolls. Advice from the master. Hello everyone 🙂 I am often asked how do you make the texture of the skin for your large works? I decided to share with you, friends, my method (in fact, it is the most common among sculptors) of applying pores and micro-wrinkles on the face of the work. Everything is used, from toothpicks, needles ...
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    If you ask me what interesting things I would like to see in the past, this is undoubtedly the birth of the first Doll. Have you noticed what magic the doll has! Just for a second you will meet her gaze and you already want to catch the expression in the eyes, the mood that the author conveyed to her, to touch her. And now, you are already in captivity of the fabulous puppet show ...