Tag: author toys
Lori Simon: Teddy Bear Workshop
In the world of toys, where new trends and fashions appear every day, there is a special category that does not lose its appeal over time - Teddy bears. Behind the creation of unique Teddy bears is a talented craftswoman Lori Simon, whose passion for sewing and art inspires many. Teddy bears are soft toys that first appeared in ... -
Masterclass: Teddy toy by Taisia Kloninger
Have you ever thought about creating unusual bouquets that will delight you not only with their beauty but also with their longevity? Imagine a bouquet consisting of dandelions, thistles and green onions, but made of fabric in Teddy technique. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Here is a masterclass on creating a Teddy toy by Taisia Kloninger. ... ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023