• viviano-biagioni-sculptures-1-1

    Viviano Biagioni — талантливый скульптор и резчик по дереву из Флоренции, Италия, который с юных лет посвятил свою жизнь искусству. Его мастерская, наполненная ароматом свежесрезанного дерева, стала местом, где оживают его идеи и эмоции, превращаясь в уникальные произведения искусства. Каждая скульптура, созданная Viviano Biagioni, является результатом его безусловной любви к дереву и глубокого понимания материала. ...
  • dollinagrez-thedailydollnews-2024-1-2

    Выбором DailyDollNews в сентябре стал международный фестиваль авторов кукол и мишек Тедди “DOLLина грёз 2024” который откроет свои двери с 6 по 8 сентября 2024 года в городе Железноводск, Россия. Это событие станет настоящим праздником для всех любителей искусства, творчества и уникальных авторских работ. В этом году фестиваль собирает участников и гостей в пятый раз, ...
  • victoria-fribus-dolls-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Виктория Фрибус — архитектор по образованию, но художник в душе. Это удивительное сочетание делает её работы по-настоящему уникальными и многогранными. Виктория получила образование в области архитектуры, что дало ей прочную основу в понимании форм, пространств и материалов. Архитектура требует не только технических знаний, но и творческого подхода к созданию функциональных и эстетически привлекательных объектов. Эти ...
  • gaudir-2024-thedailydollnews-1-2

    We present to you the final of the VI season of the international virtual contest of author's dolls GAUDIR "Equilibrium". GAUDIR is not just a competition, it is a meeting place for experienced masters and novice authors who strive to demonstrate their talents. For six years, the competition has become a standard of success and recognition in the world of author dolls, and to receive a GAUDIR statuette is a dream for many artists. In this ...
  • sculptures-matthias-verginer-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Matthias Verginer is an Italian sculptor whose work is striking and smile-inducing. Born in 1982 in Bressanone, Italy, he absorbed art from childhood, as his father, Willy Verginer, is a renowned sculptor and woodcarver. From an early age Matthias Verginer was immersed in the world of art, which predetermined his artistic path. Matthias Verginer began his formal artistic ...
  • vladimir-gvozdev-dolls-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Vladimir Gvozdev is a name that has long been synonymous with multifaceted talent and indomitable creative spirit. He has travelled a long and fascinating path from designer to a recognised master whose works adorn collections all over the world. Vladimir Gvozdev received his artistic education at the Moscow Art School in memory of 1905. This educational institution is known for its strong traditions and ...
  • Museum-of-the-German-Toy-Industry-thedailydollnews-1-2

    The German toy industry is renowned for its deep tradition and high level of craftsmanship. One of the most colourful and unique places to learn about its history and development is the Museum of the German Toy Industry. This museum not only tells the story of the toy-making process, but also shows how technology and materials have changed over the decades. The Museum of the German Toy Industry ...
  • neva-waldt-dolls-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Neva Waldt is an art doll author and a member of NIADA, an international organisation of doll artists, born and raised in Texas where her family is fourth generation. She received her degree in fine art from Sam Houston State University. After graduation, Neva Waldt began her career as a graphic designer and has worked in the field for 25 years. ....
  • yulia-veller-thedailydollnews-2024-1-2

    The DailyDollNews choice for July was an interview with Yulia Veller, a member of the jury of the VI season of the Gaudir international virtual contest of author's dolls. Yulia Veller is the deputy head of the Art Doll Section of the Creative Union of Artists of DPI, winner of the "Pandora Platinum" award, 2 times winner of the international art doll competition "History of fashion". Her works decorate private collections in the USA, Europe and Russia, ...
  • bob-quinn-sculptures-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Bob Quinn was born in 1948 and showed an interest in art from an early age. His journey began in the Irish advertising business where he had a long and successful career as a commercial artist and designer. During these years he ran a successful design and production company, which enabled him to accumulate a wealth of experience and knowledge of ...