• boyun-yun-wooden-dolls-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Boyun Yun is a talented artist and puppeteer born and residing in South Korea. Although her educational background is not in the arts, she has managed to excel in the world of puppetry. After completing an MBA in business management and a diploma in interior design, Boyun Yun decided to follow her passion and began creating dolls out of ...
  • shelley-thornton-dolls-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Shelley Thornton is an outstanding artist whose work in the world of dolls has become a true art form. From an early age, just before the age of two, she began to realise that fine art was not just a hobby, but her language and life purpose. Born on 31 May 1950 in Nebraska, Shelley Thornton spent most of her life in that state, although ...
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    From 19 to 22 December 2024, the 15th anniversary exhibition "The Art of the Doll" will be held at Expocentre, Pavilion Forum. This event has become a real cultural phenomenon, gathering artists, collectors and fans of author's dolls under one roof. Every year the exhibition attracts the attention of not only Muscovites, but also guests from other cities and countries who want to touch the magic of creativity. The exhibition ...
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    DailyDollNews' pick of the month of October was the Autumn Author's Doll Ball at Tishinka, which will open its doors from 4 to 6 October 2024. It is an event that has become a true cultural phenomenon, bringing together more than 500 talented artists from all over Russia. This celebration of art and creativity attracts not only collectors from all over the world, but also everyone who appreciates the uniqueness of ...
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    Every time, after the publication of TOP 100 DailyDoll, the editorial mail is flooded. We tried to make a list of the most frequent questions. - Is this a contest? No. It's not a contest. TOP 100 DailyDoll is an independent annual ranking of the most colourful dolls in the world. - How can I participate in this project? To participate in the TOP 100 ...
  • top-100-daily-doll-2023-thedailydollnews-1-01-01-2

    Dear friends, a few words from the editorial team before you start looking at the TOP 100 DailyDoll 2023. This year we dedicate it to the memory of Lisa Lichtenfels, who left us last year. Her work opens the list of the most striking works, according to the magazine. TOP 100 DailyDoll is not just a list of the best dolls of the year, it is a tribute to ...
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    From 14 to 17 December 2023, in the heart of Moscow, Expocentre will host a unique event for all doll lovers - the Art of the Doll exhibition. This large-scale event, bringing together more than 1000 masters from 26 countries, will present visitors with tens of thousands of amazing exhibits. The organisers of the exhibition have tried to create a unique atmosphere in which each doll will tell its own unique story. ....
  • author dolls catherine mather 1

    Catherine Mather porcelain dolls are an echo of the glittering era of The Great Gatsby and Art Deco luxury. You are invited to enter the mind of the artist, capturing the details behind the complex beauty of each character. It seems as if each doll possesses a will and a character, a special dignity that we would like to endow in our frantic age of digital technology. The limited edition solid porcelain dolls are created for ...
  • exhibition the art of dolls 1

    XIII Moscow International Exhibition ART OF THE PUPPET 9-11 December 2022 Gostiny Dvor, 4 Ilyinka Str. The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Foundation "WORLD CUPPETS" Website: artkukly.rf The universe of archaic and the archaic meta-universe. The exhibition of 2022 will go down in history as an event of a planetary scale - the demonstration to the general public of the world's first neural network puppets! Why is this presentation unique and super-sensational? We are all ...
  • dolls julien martinez 1

    Julien Martinez is a contemporary French artist, a graduate of the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts, specialising in sculpture, miniature, design and incarnation of Blythe, Pullip, Dal, Toffee, BJD and antique dolls. The Bordeaux-born artist has a knack for creating melancholy characters with red eyes, disheveled hair and decadent clothing; blending aristocratic and country life in 19th century France to reflect the loneliness of human ...