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    "My works are very personal, I immerse myself in my fantasies." Continuing to talk about the work of unique masters, from the article "Alternative dolls", I want to introduce you to the artist from America Dustin Poche (Dustin Poche '). Creating original images, the author is not like anyone else. Dustin received his art education at the Colorado Institute of the Arts, Denver, Russell, Kansas, USA. At first ...
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    Introducing Puppet Science expert, author of textbooks on making puppets - Nadezhda Gensitskaya Activities: Education - theatrical costume designer. Studied theatre costume at GITIS-Theatre. Worked in the puppet theatre - studio "The Hat". She has been creating Artistic Puppets since 1989. From 2001 to 2019 she taught at the School of Puppet Design S. Voskresenskaya. From 2006 to 2013 ...
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    "Before I became a sculptor, I worked for the Hong Kong Police Force for 13 years"...or babies in museum windows... In this article about alternative dolls, I touched on the work of a talented artist from Hong Kong, Johnson Tsang. The artist's work is an example of talent and boundless imagination and vividly demonstrates the plastic properties of the material from which they are created. The artist's works, which are beautifully frozen ...
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    We present an expert in the field of art history and theory - Maria Krestyanikova. “I believe that my classes give people a new understanding of art and understanding of the world around them.” Gnesins and the Academic School of Design. Activity Author of courses: "Genre in Art", "Styles in World Culture - Parallels in Music, Fine Arts and Architecture." Art History Lecturer, ...
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    It looks impressive, but very easy to use. MK from Marina Minina. A wooden block with holes to insert a doll or a holding rod. The holes are drilled immediately to the desired diameter. Apply the bas-relief pattern over the stencil with a thin acrylic paste. Let dry for 30-60 minutes. Then sand with sandpaper. Cover the stand with acrylic black paint. Apply a thick layer with a brush. Blot with a sponge to remove traces ...
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    International Day of Humor When is it? April Fools 'Day or April Fools' Day is a fun holiday celebrated around the world on April 1st. On this day, it is customary to play pranks on relatives, friends and just acquaintances, cheerfully making fun of them. The origins of the holiday Where this tradition comes from, from France, England, Mexico or Sweden - a mystery shrouded in the darkness of obscurity. One version ...
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    Бывает ли желание сделать неидеальную куклу? Начнем с определения.  Идеал — от греческого, вид, образ, идея; высшая цель деятельности, стремлений; совершенное воплощение чего-либо. Когда художник приступает к созданию куклы, у него есть образ того, что он хочет получить в результате. Даже если этот образ неосознанный. Тут стоит уточнить: художник  делает по собственному замыслу и желанию. ...
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    Why am I writing articles? First, it's interesting. My favorite section in the magazine: History of dolls. I am captivated by the events from the life of talented masters, their unique works, creative searches. Secondly, I would like to share my findings and thoughts. When you begin to delve into a topic that interests you, you find answers to many questions. It often happens that one sentence written ...
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    An artist is not a vocation ... And not a state of mind. It is God's gift to want (and preferably be able to😉) talk to people! Using different tools, different languages and dialects, gaining knowledge and learning incessantly. And the one who has chosen this way of speaking like a doll at the call of the soul must also be very responsible and wise. Because his ...
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    When the International Day of Puppetry, or World Puppetry Day, is celebrated, the whole world has celebrated in early spring, March 21, since 2003. History of the holiday The history of the holiday began in 2000 at the XVIII Congress of the International Union of Puppet Theater Workers (Union Internationale de la Marionnette, UNIMA) in Magdeburg. Exactly ...