Tag: мишка тедди
DailyDollNews' pick for January: Olga Lakhina "It's the kind of work that can't be rationed."
DailyDollNews' January selection was an interview with Olga Lakhina, executive director of the Art of Dolls exhibition. Olga Lakhina is the organiser of the exhibitions "Time of Dolls", "Kraft Bazaar" in St. Petersburg and co-organiser of the exhibition "The Art of Dolls" together with Lana Letta and Irina Myzina. She is passionate about dolls, travelling and volunteering. Her work brings joy and benefit to many people. How did the idea come ... -
Moscow Fair - exhibition of Teddy Bears and Dolls 31 March - 2 April 2023
Moscow Fair - exhibition of dolls and Teddy Bears The 16th International Exhibition of Dolls and Teddy Bears at Tishinka once again gathers old friends and invites new ones to see the diversity of the doll world. THE MOST INTERESTING THINGS AT THE EXHIBITION! Dolls are never too many! The exhibition brings together all representatives of this marvellous world! Dolls author's and antique, not aging ... -
Textile sculptures. A symbol of the coming year 2023 from Mister Finch
New Year, what kind of New Year will you be? We all believe that it will be happy, and also fairy-tale and magical, like the textile sculptures of the rabbit - the symbol of the coming year 2023 by Mister Finch. Mister Finch, who creates flora and fauna inspired by nature and folklore, lives in a poetic, magical world: "People have always looked for magic, looked up to the stars and made wishes. Yes, I think that ... -
The story of Teddy Bear's creation
The history of Teddy Bear is closely connected with the history of the Steiff company. The company "Steiff" has been producing soft toys since the end of the 19th century and to this day. In 1880, a young German woman Margaret Steiff, opened a small workshop, which begins one of the stories of Teddy bear. The first Teddy bear by Steiff, called "RV55", a replica of 1902 from 2012. ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023