Artistic image. Bears and company.

Meet Natalie Iunina.

Постоянный участник крупнейших международных кукольных выставок Германии, Голландии, России, Японии…Мои работы неоднократно отмечены дипломами конкурсов, я победитель и лауреат международных премий кукольного мира и мира Тедди («Оскар» в мире мишек — «Golden George» (дважды), Московский бриллиантовый медведь (дважды) и премия «Hannie Sarris Award» от старейшего международного конкурса Dabida.
Hello everyone, my name is Natalie. I live and work in Germany, in the city of Duisburg.
From early childhood, she began to show interest in art, especially drawing and painting.
Studying at the art and graphic department, she began to deal with dolls, since 2003. At first, these were theatrical puppets, then - author's, collection ones. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

After moving to Germany, Teddy's World captured me completely.
Today I work in different directions: sculptural dolls, portrait, caricature, Teddy bears, naturalistic soft sculptures.
I am a member of the section of the Author's Art Doll of the Creative Union of Artists of Decorative and Applied Arts of Russia. ⠀
It was thanks to my own illustrations that I began to create my characters.
Reflecting on the theme of the artistic image, I come to the conclusion that it is extremely important for any character.
Looking into the encyclopedia, you can read that the Artistic Image is a phenomenon of reality creatively rethought by the author. A form of reflection of reality through art.
Our works are our reflection in a given period of time. Subsequently, they change, like our reality.
Sometimes you look at a character, like everything in him is good, and made neatly and the painting fits, but something is missing.
It is important to feel your work, to conduct an internal dialogue with it.
Ведь не редко бывает так, добавишь небольшой штрих, в виде походящего аксессуара, и работа «оживает».
For me everyThe th character is not just a toy.
Очень люблю экспериментировать с новыми материалами. Моя любовь — это одетые персонажи. Они словно сошли с книжных иллюстраций! Каждый герой рассказывает свою историю…
It all starts with the birth of an idea, an image. Sometimes you sketch. Only then the construction of patterns, selection of fabrics, cutting and stitching of parts, printing ...
Только после того, как тело собрано начинается магия — создание выражение лица персонажа. Я обожаю этот момент!

And now, when a living creature is looking at you, the work is proceeding with great pleasure.
При подборе тканей и фурнитуры важно опираться на образ создаваемого героя. Я интуитивно подбираю ткани. Это может показаться странным, у меня работает именно так — мои герои меня ведут к нужному образу.
It is important not to overdo it with decoration and stop in time.
This principle applies to everything: colors, textures and accessories. Too much can hurt the job and ruin the experience.
Of course, these skills don't come straight away. It takes time to develop them.
Developing, trying new techniques and directions in creativity, we are growing.
Look for what is close to you
Look for something that you can use in your work.
И еще совет — смотрите на природу, на картины великих художников, на волшебные иллюстрации из детских книг, все это невероятно вдохновляет и помогает создавать новые яркие образы.
Материал подготовила — Натали Иунина.
Natalya, I am proud to meet you!