Handmade Christmas toys. Sleigh. (Master class by Olga Korobova)

Inspiration in creativity is perhaps the most important in creating something unusual and individual. And interior design, in particular, decorating a festive fir tree, has already become a New Year's ritual and can even claim to be a work of art if it is done by professional designers.
The tree can be decorated in one style - for example, choose a white spruce and complement it with large satin bows. Or make it colorful with lots of toys. Without a doubt, the tree on which the handmade toys will hang will become a favorite of all the Christmas trees decorated with plastic balls from the store. After all, each of them differs from any other in its originality, uniqueness and unusual approach to its manufacture.
For example, you can sew a flock of small birds, as I did, or decorate the tree with little heroes from fairy tales.
These can be figurines or medallions made of cotton wool, wood, cardboard. Of course, this lesson will take a lot of time, but you can try to make jewelry from blanks that can be purchased at any craft store. With just a little patience, you will have an exclusive handmade toy!
My little master class "Sleighs from childhood" will help you make an unusual New Year's gift to your loved ones.
For a pleasant work, you only need New Year's background music, a wooden blank sled, acrylic paints, one-step craquelure varnish, a piece of sponge, Moment-Crystal glue and a beautiful accessory in the form of a ribbon and a bell.
So: we collect the sled with glue, cover it twice with dark acrylic paint.
When the surface is dry, apply craquelure varnish, strictly in one direction, and let dry for 40 minutes. See the method of application on the label of your varnish (you may have a different time).
Then paint the sleigh with a basic tone, I chose turquoise color. As soon as you apply the paint, the surface will begin to crack. The thicker you apply the craquelure, the larger and deeper the cracks will be. Let it dry completely.
Apply white acrylic paint to the middle of the sponge, distribute it with a brush over the surface and gently, with air patches, “sprinkle” the edges of the sleigh and runners with imaginary snow. After complete drying, we put in a silk ribbon, make a bow with a bell, and glue the decoration to the sleigh.
Можно бесконечно играть с фактурой и цветом — я сделала три игрушки. Желтые сани покрыты разными слоями краски, а белые я состарила, применив масляную краску. Для этого нужно взять черную, коричневую и желтую, причем, желтой должно быть больше, чем остальных цветов. Размешиваем с разбавителем масляных красок, можно взять «Пинен», до состояния жидкой сметаны. Наносим кистью на поверхность саней и тут же протираем поверхность сухой мягкой тканью или салфеткой. Ваш основной цвет останется, но приобретет старинный вид.
Enjoy your creativity!
Your Olga Korobova.
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