To the puppeteer artist.

An artist is not a vocation ... And not a state of mind.
It is God's gift to want (and preferably be able to 😉) talk to people!
Using different tools, different languages and dialects, gaining knowledge and learning incessantly.
And the one who has chosen this way of speaking like a doll at the call of the soul must also be very responsible and wise.
Because his art of creating a DOLL knocks at the very heart. It knocks from there, from a happy childhood, from unforgettable events and impressions.
Bringing the emotions and feelings of the viewer into a state of euphoria and happiness ...
Therefore, as one collector said, don't let your hands hurt, dear puppeteers!
And I will add: let your eyes, heads, and everything else do not hurt 🙂!
And yet, I wish you more grateful viewers and understanding collectors!
You are GREAT people.
Ps I have not shown my work on the pages of the magazine yet. Today, on the day of our professional holiday, I want to introduce you to Pierrot.
The Harlequin always offended him ... Therefore, he dreamed of becoming like the Harlequin - cheerful, brave, even impudent ... to have a beautiful expensive multicolored suit ... In general, to have what he never had ...
And now - he has it all!
But he is the former Pierrot! Touching, melancholic, gentle ...
And does he need someone else's image?
Or can he get used to and live differently, like the Harlequin?
Questions, questions ... Looking for answers!

Pierrot and Mademoiselle.
Best regards, editor-in-chief of the magazine,
Radzikhovskaya Nina.
Happy Holidays !! It is a great joy and happiness to be involved in this magical, mysterious and subtle world! A world in which an adult stretches out his hand to his inner child, looks into his eyes, in which the whole world is reflected !! 1