In this masterclass from Anna Wood, you will learn how to make a felt jacket for a small doll.
To make the jacket you will need:
— шерстяной войлок,
— нитки для вышивания,
— крошечная пуговица,
— основные принадлежности для шитья и выкройка.
1. Cut out the three parts of the pattern and attach them to the felt.
2. Cut out each part of the jacket using the template.
3. Fold up the rounded collar of the front top and stitch. I use a single thread mulin embroidery stitch. You can use any stitch you like, unusual or simple. I use a basic stitch.
4. Fold in each rounded cuff and stitch as well.
5. Attach the front bottom to the back, making sure that your folded and sewn cuffs are on the outside.
6. Attach the front upper section as shown in the illustration.
7. Start sewing the sleeve top bottom to the back where indicated below. Then sew the bottom of the sleeve and the side piece together.
8. Repeat for the other side.
9. Finish stitching the second side seam and knot.
10. Optional - stitch all the raw edges.
To finish, add a tiny button on the shoulder of the front bottom element (be careful to stitch through only one layer) and tie a piece of embroidery thread to the corner of the top element.
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