• top-100-niti-thedailydollnews-2025-1-01-2

    We are pleased to announce that our much-loved TOP 100 Daily Doll is undergoing a transformation! From 2025, a new project - TOP 100 NITI - will welcome you. This update will be an important step in our endeavour to support the creativity of artisans and inspire our customers. What is TOP 100 NITI? TOP 100 NITI is a ranking of the top 100 products from Crealandia ...
  • top-100-daily-doll-thedailydollnews-02-01

    Every time, after the publication of TOP 100 DailyDoll, the editorial mail is flooded. We tried to make a list of the most frequent questions. - Is this a contest? No. It's not a contest. TOP 100 DailyDoll is an independent annual ranking of the most colourful dolls in the world. - How can I participate in this project? To participate in the TOP 100 ...
  • top-100-daily-doll-2023-thedailydollnews-1-01-01-2

    Dear friends, a few words from the editorial team before you start looking at the TOP 100 DailyDoll 2023. This year we dedicate it to the memory of Lisa Lichtenfels, who left us last year. Her work opens the list of the most striking works, according to the magazine. TOP 100 DailyDoll is not just a list of the best dolls of the year, it is a tribute to ...
  • master-class-dailydollnews-30-10-1-1-2

    This masterclass will help you to create champignons from polymer clay without using moulds. The fashion for mushrooms in textiles, paper and cotton papier-mâché, polymer clay has swept social networks. Especially interesting are the variants of multifunctional constructions and decorations in the design of lamps, household utensils and clothes with mushrooms. Now everyone who is in the "trend" should have a brooch-muchomore or embroidery with opiate mushrooms. Mushrooms - ...
  • kim-simonsson-sculptures-1-2

    Finnish sculptor Kim Simonsson's characters seem to have emerged from dreams and Scandinavian fairy tales. The artist is indeed inspired by local folklore, but just as much by popular culture and cinema. If you look closely, his characters wear modern backpacks and tape recorders, dress in teenage clothing, and hold books and plush toys in their hands. Ceramic sculptures of cute, big-eyed girls, animals and ...
  • facets of the game exhibition of author dolls 1

    On 15 June 2023 at 19.00 the Meridian Cultural Centre invites you to the opening of the exhibition of author dolls 'Borders of Play'. Portrait and abstract, stylised and fantasy dolls, porcelain antiques and replicas of wooden dolls from the 17th century, boudoir dolls from the early 20th century, palm-sized and almost metre-high dolls, as well as panels and photographs - all this can be ...
  • claeskamp-master-show-1-01-2

    Swedish artist Klaas Larsson is known as ClaesKamp, whose expressive wood carvings reflect his punk rock roots and respond to contemporary issues facing the world. Primarily creating sculptures in wood, Claes explores the boundary between traditional woodwork and the foundational experience of his youth with street art and punk. His techniques are surprising and in many ...
  • kira kinash circus artists 1

    This month's DailyDollNews selection is Kira Kinash's project "Circus". Kira Kinash is one of the most popular contemporary authors and a member of the professional union of art doll authors UNIDIA. Her dolls invariably arouse delight and admiration. Kira Kinash's project "Circus". A duet of street performers: a juggler and a bird trainer. The project was prepared for an exhibition in St. Petersburg. The third participant of the project was ...
  • authors-dolls-juliellen-byrne-13-1

    Juliellen Byrne is a ceramic artist residing in Groveport, Ohio. She has been creating figurative, narrative-based ceramic works for over 40 years. In her work, Juliellen Byrne tells us stories from her fantasy world where fiction and reality are closely woven together. These human and animal forms have a precise relationship of pose and ...
  • authors-dolls-olga-venzhega-1-2

    Olga Venzhega is a doll artist, sculptor, member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA, two-time winner and coordinator of the Max Oscar Arnold Prize for Contemporary Doll Art (Neustadt bei Coburg), winner of the "Doll of the Year" competitions. Jury member of the Pandora Prize and the virtual competition History of Fashion. Organiser of the international exhibition "German Doll Christmas" (Odessa). Olga Venzhega is a permanent ...