• little funny elves 1

    "Jolly Little Elves" is a 1934 animated short film directed by Manuel Noreno and co-written and produced by Walter Lantz, part of the Cartune Classics series. A screen adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about a poor clog maker and his wife who are knocked at the window by a little elf who is cold and hungry. The shoemaker shared with him the last bun he had, and the elf thanked him for ...
  • porcelain dolls sylvia weser 1 01

    Artist, doll maker Sylvia Weser was born and lived in Germany. Her dolls have many awards - the best doll in Europe, awards in several Eurodoll nominations. Even in her youth she was interested in art and took up painting and sculpture. Her love for dolls started with collecting. When Sylvia made her first clay and plasticine dolls she realised that ...
  • christmas tale the nutcracker and the mouse king 11

    "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" (German: Nußknacker und Mausekönig) is a Christmas story-tale by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann that has become an integral part of New Year and Christmas readings, plays and productions. After 200 years, the fairy tale has been interpreted in theatre performances, animation and feature films. Working on the production of The Nutcracker at the Mariinsky Theatre, Mikhail Shemyakin created about a thousand sketches, but it was important for him to ...
  • peggy abrams christmas souvenir toys 1

    New Year's souvenir toys created according to the traditional patterns of folk crafts are recognised as the World Heritage of Humanity by the international organisation UNESCO. These days in many cities of the world New Year and Christmas fairs open, where you can see figures for the creche, Santa Claus in the national dress of the country and region of origin, as well as sweet gingerbread, candy and ... kind smiles of passers-by. In recent ...
  • master class christmas nativity scene 1 01

    The brightest holiday of the year, Christmas, is about to knock on our doors, and we prepare its meeting with excitement and expectation of a miracle. In order to fulfil our expectations we need to create a symbol of Christmas: traditional decorations in the form of a star, as well as a Christmas creche with a manger, decoration and figures. There is a beautiful old tradition to put a creche in the house at Christmas. This model ...
  • symbol 2023 mister finch 11 01

    New Year, what kind of New Year will you be? We all believe that it will be happy, and also fairy-tale and magical, like the textile sculptures of the rabbit - the symbol of the coming year 2023 by Mister Finch. Mister Finch, who creates flora and fauna inspired by nature and folklore, lives in a poetic, magical world: "People have always looked for magic, looked up to the stars and made wishes. Yes, I think that ...
  • embroidery yumi okita

    Yumi Okita's original collection of insects is stunningly realistic. The textile sculptures are so lifelike and one of the butterflies seems to flap its wing and fly away. Using fabrics, fur and embroidery in her work, the artist has managed to capture the colours of nature, the variety of living forms and textures. Yumi Okita's three-dimensional embroideries are stunning, devoid of exaggeration or imitation. It is an author's view ...
  • cloche hat klosh mania 01

    A bell-shaped hat or cloche. The cloche (from the French word for bell) is a bonnet with a low, rounded crown and narrow, soft or hard margins. In the early twentieth century, the French fashion designer Caroline Roubaix created the hat, which came into fashion in the 1920s. For more than 50 years, Caroline Réboux held the title of Queen of Hat Fashion. The innovation of this ...
  • maxresdefault 1

    Victoria Ellis's authorial response to the popular decorative style of the early 20th century presents us with bas-reliefs and sculptures made with great piety in relation to the original objects. The artist employs a special technique of "carving" in clay, similar to making openwork cut-outs from paper. Art Deco, sometimes called Deco, is a style of fine art, architecture and design that first appeared ...
  • bebeestrella1 1

    María de Jesús Rodríguez Flores is a member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA. The work is made in a single copy. Technique and materials : polymer clay, antique brass van. 7 cm I share with you this little Christmas baby.