• history-barbie-doll-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Barbie is not just a toy, but a true cultural icon that has inspired children and adults around the world for more than six decades. Its story began in the mid-20th century and continues to evolve to reflect changes in society and culture. In 1959, American businesswoman Ruth Handler, one of the founders of Mattel, introduced the world to the first ...
  • the story of the dolls the milliners head 1 01

    Mannequin dolls have been known since ancient times, but they became widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries, during the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Traders used mannequins made of wood and papier-mache to demonstrate outfits and to send samples of the latest fashion to other cities. Mannequins were made not only for dresses and underwear, but also for hats. In these ...
  • cloche hat klosh mania 01

    A bell-shaped hat or cloche. The cloche (from the French word for bell) is a bonnet with a low, rounded crown and narrow, soft or hard margins. In the early twentieth century, the French fashion designer Caroline Roubaix created the hat, which came into fashion in the 1920s. For more than 50 years, Caroline Réboux held the title of Queen of Hat Fashion. The innovation of this ...
  • history of the jack in the box mechanical toy 1

    Jack in the box ("Jack in the box", also in Russian "poppypunchik") is a children's toy. It looks like a box with a handle that plays a melody. At some point, the box suddenly opens its lid and a figure (usually a clown or a jester) pops out of it. The tune played is often "Pop Goes the Weasel", with Jack popping out at the spot where ...
  • Dollhouse-miniature-history

    The history of the doll's house dates back to the 16th century. The oldest known doll's house was built in 1558 for Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria - but not as a toy, but as the smallest work of art and exhibit. In the 17th and 18th centuries, wealthy patrician families in Nuremberg and Augsburg took up the idea and rebuilt their houses in miniature, ...
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    Today, gloves are a familiar element of our wardrobe. Few people know that this accessory has been around for around 4,000 years and can still support non-verbal conversation between people. Legend: While walking along the seashore, the goddess Venus cut her finger on the edge of a seashell. The nymphs bandaged the wound and, just in case, also the goddess's hands with linen ribbons. This is how the first ...
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    Many people know the thrill of looking forward to the New Year when they open a box of carefully stacked fragile treasures - Christmas decorations. The Christmas tree is both a symbol of the festive season and a wonderful occasion to bring the family together in a common creative activity. Everyone, without exception, likes making Christmas decorations. This family tradition is hundreds of years old. The process of creation is enjoyable, beautiful and fascinating. It gives both children and ...
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    Where did the concept and what is an arty doll come from? They were created in artels at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, it is the common name used by craftsmen who recreate such beauties. An arty doll is not a maiden from the mantle and certainly not a Barbie. It is our history, captured by the doll artists of the 1920s. A huge, amazing variety of types and some special, peculiarly Russian ...
  • 557797 original

    Wooden ball-shaped hinges for doll production were invented in France. Large German trading houses, which had their own branches in Paris, followed the appearance of new dolls. They bought and studied interesting specimens, especially in terms of production costs. Quite often, after a few weeks, a similar doll went on sale, at a much lower cost than the original. Adolf Wieslizenus, a manufacturer from Waltershausen ...
  • %D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5 %D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE scaled

    September 2021 marks 204 years since the birth of Izannah Walker. Surely the master could not even imagine that in 160 years, somewhere in distant Russia, they would love, appreciate and try to repeat her dolls. It is unlikely that she thought that her heroines would live such a long life, go through the centuries and be desired and ...