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    It's time to tell you about our project "The Whole Truth". Well, dear friends, let's begin... The idea to bring characters from Terry Pratchett's works to life appeared a year ago. Why Pratchett? Yes, because his series of books about the "Flat World" is about our world, about us humans.... It's fantasy, with all the hallmarks of fantasy. Dragons, trolls, elves, dwarves, vampires, witches, ...
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    In this video I will tell you how to make non-removable shoes for dolls - shoes with bent toes. The first step is to trace the doll's feet with a pencil on cardboard. Arbitrarily drew a template of the sole. I cut out two blanks from thin cardboard. I glued pieces of wire in the toe part of the sole. For better fixation, over the wire, glued paper. According to my idea - bent the socks, ...
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    Another name for the "Gallant Age" is the "Porcelain Age". Both ladies and gentlemen aspired to resemble porcelain statuettes with their carefree and gracefulness. The Gallant Age was the time of the cult of youth. To achieve this effect was supposed to be with the help of abundant application of powder and blush on the face and hairstyle. Blush was applied not only on the cheeks, but also on the temples and under the eyes, which "gave the look ...
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    "I'm an artist. I see it this way." Art doll deservedly attracts the attention of the audience. Every year there is a growing interest in doll inserts. Due to its anthropomorphic nature, the doll is close to people like nothing else. It is interesting to a person from early childhood and till the end of his life as his play or ritual image. Before talking about the doll as a ...
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    Today there is hardly a puppet artist who is not familiar with the books of Nadezhda Gensitskaya, an expert in the field of Puppet Science. Perhaps they are known to everyone. Nadezhda is a recognised author of textbooks on doll making. The way of presentation of the material is very interesting. The peculiarities of embodiment of male and female images in the creation of mobile and static dolls with internal dynamics are revealed. In her books Nadezhda covers ...
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    You probably already know about a wonderful project - the DABIDA competition. Russian-speaking craftsmen regularly win prizes in it. But not many people know about the background to this project. DABIDA is a Russian acronym which means the Belgian-Dutch Association of Puppet Artists. Today it has been 15 years since DABIDA held its first exhibition, which is now called DABIDA Day. А ...
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    Meet the Puppet Master, Anne Marie Gibbons Continuing the conversation about alternative dolls, let's pay attention to works that certainly do not leave anyone indifferent. It seems that these piercing eyes look straight into your soul ... Anne Marie received her art education in New York, United States of America. From early childhood, she had an enthusiastic love for dolls ...
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    How to generate inspiration? Recently I asked this question and, I remember, even promised someone that I would tell you. For starters, what does the Encyclopedia say about inspiration. Inspiration is a special state of a person, which is characterized by high productivity, tremendous lift and concentration of human strength. It is a typical feature and an integral element of creativity. It's dry tongue. In simple terms, inspiration is a flow, ...
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    Refined pleasure A man is born for happiness and joy, but each goes to them in his own way. Making works of art is a pleasure of a much higher order than, say, the pleasure of drinking a beer or smoking a hookah. Creativity is akin to meditation: a person is immersed in a process that by itself enthralls him, slows down and fills him with good emotions and a resource for everyday ...
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    Meet the eternal Halloween or Delightfully Spooky Dolls by the French author. Continuing the conversation about alternative dolls, let's take a look at the work of an eccentric craftsman. JULIEN MARTINEZ, a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux, was born in 1970 in France. In 1996, he presented his dolls for the first time at the international exhibition "Paris-Creation", where he achieved immediate success. Julian is in ...