Tag: кукольная миниатюра
Масштаб 1:6 в миниатюре
Масштаб 1:6 — это один из самых популярных масштабов в мире миниатюры и коллекционирования фигурок. Он обозначает, что каждая деталь модели или куклы в этом масштабе в шесть раз меньше, чем её реальный аналог. Это означает, что если реальный объект имеет длину 180 см, то его миниатюрная версия в масштабе 1:6 будет составлять всего 30 ... -
Кукольные домики: История, Эволюция и Современность
Кукольные домики — это не просто игрушки, а целые миры, которые раскрывают перед детьми возможности для творчества, воображения и социального взаимодействия. Эти миниатюрные жилища имеют долгую и увлекательную историю, которая началась много веков назад. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как кукольные домики появились, как они изменялись со временем и какие современные тенденции можно наблюдать в ... -
MiniaturItalia 2025: мир миниатюры в центре внимания
С 14 по 16 февраля 2025 года Милан станет центром притяжения для любителей и мастеров миниатюры, принимая ежегодную выставку-ярмарку MiniaturItalia 2025. Это уже девятнадцатое по счету мероприятие обещает стать незабываемым событием, собрав талантливых мастеров и художников со всего мира, которые представят свои уникальные миниатюрные творения. MiniaturItalia — это не просто ярмарка; это яркое сообщество энтузиастов ... -
Tamara Pivniuk: author of art dolls
Tamara Pivniuk is a talented author of art dolls. Her path to this art began in her youth, when she attended a children's art school. These early years became the basis for her future creativity and allowed her to develop her artistic perception of the world. After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture at the Kyiv State University of Construction and Architecture, she took her first steps in the architectural profession. However, soon ... -
Aleah Klay: The Art of Miniature Creatures
Aleah Klay began her creative endeavours in an old house filled with an atmosphere of magic and inspiration. This unique corner of life has become not only her home, but also a source of endless ideas for creating fabulous creatures. Inspired by her surroundings, she creates miniature sculptures that seem to come to life before the eyes of her viewers. Aleah Klay first started working with polymer clay in ... -
Eric Lansdown: charming dollhouses and birdcages
Eric Lansdown is a talented artist specialising in creating dolls houses and birdcages inspired by historic architecture. His work is admired and has been published in numerous publications and adorns hotels, opera houses and galleries around the world. Born on 29 May 1952 in San Francisco, Eric Lansdown grew up in a family of artists and entrepreneurs in the cultural capital of ... -
MiniaturItalia 2024: the art of the miniature
On 10-11 February 2024, Milan opened its doors to miniature enthusiasts and masters, hosting the annual MiniaturItalia 2024 exhibition and fair. This eighteenth edition of the event brought together talented craftsmen and artists from all over the world to present their miniature creations. At the exhibition, guests were able to immerse themselves in the mesmerising world of miniature tableware and culinary creations on a scale of .... -
Kiyomi. Realistic miniature
Miniature painting has a long history in Japan. The technology has been around for thousands of years. Some of the most common examples include bonsai trees, objects symbolising technological progress, and even mobile phones. Following this trend, Japanese artist Kiyomi (aka Chiisana Shiawase) is showcasing her own collection of handmade miniatures. These days, artists can miniaturise anything. Kiyomi has breathed new ... -
Debbie Volquarts Miniature
Puppet miniatures always amaze with unimaginable detail in scale. The works of Debbie Volquarts are another indisputable proof of the author's skill and imagination. Looking at them, you become involved in another world where you are a guest and a contemplator. Someone stays in this world and accepts its rules, and someone leaves and closes the door behind him. My name is Debbie Volquarts, and I am ... -
Portrait miniature by Martha Darwin Thompson
Kings and princesses and historical figures in Martha Darwin Thompson bisque porcelain have become a truly important and significant event in the world of dolls. All dolls are dressed in historical costumes and bear a portrait resemblance to the original. They are hand painted. Some have movable arms and legs. Queen Elizabeth I, Prince Albert, the Washington couple, members of the current royal family of Great Britain - this is not ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023