Tag: художественная кукла
Why create dolls?
Refined pleasure A man is born for happiness and joy, but each goes to them in his own way. Making works of art is a pleasure of a much higher order than, say, the pleasure of drinking a beer or smoking a hookah. Creativity is akin to meditation: a person is immersed in a process that by itself enthralls him, slows down and fills him with good emotions and a resource for everyday ... -
Women's costume of the "Gallant Age"
"After us, the deluge!" The Gallant Age (Frédées galantes) is the conventional name for the period from 1715 to 1770, which replaced the "grand era" of Louis XIV. Some historians extended the period to the French Revolution of 1789. The other name of the period, Rococo, which refers to the popular shell ornament, dates back to the 19th century. The gallant age ... -
They are shared, they become family members - BJD dolls.
The history of the appearance and features of BJD dolls. If we look back centuries, we find that articulated dolls were known even before our era. Some of the clay and fossilized wooden archaeological fragments of dolls found in the territory of ancient Greece and Rome date back to the 2nd century. BC. In those days, dolls were deprived of their play function and served rather as an object ... -
Charles Frederick Worth and his dress for Princess Sissy.
One of the most beautiful women of her time with a tragic fate. Living in luxury, possessing wealth and power, she had a delicate vulnerable soul. She appreciated freedom, wrote poetry, painted, loved horseback riding and travel. Being fabulously beautiful, she wanted to keep her youth longer. She carefully looked after herself: masks, lotions, special baths and physical exercises. Sissy's pride ... -
"The strangest puppeteer of our time" - Julian Martinez
Meet the eternal Halloween or Delightfully Spooky Dolls by the French author. Continuing the conversation about alternative dolls, let's take a look at the work of an eccentric craftsman. JULIEN MARTINEZ, a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux, was born in 1970 in France. In 1996, he presented his dolls for the first time at the international exhibition "Paris-Creation", where he achieved immediate success. Julian is in ... -
Profession is not the main thing - if you have God's Gift!
Meet the puppeteer Irina Linkova (Goryunova). It all started in a bookshop. Or to be more precise, from the stationery department in it. There Irina's eyes fell upon a brightly colored package of polymer clay ... And then there was the participation in a community of like-minded people in the "Live Journal," visiting exhibitions of dolls, meeting with the masters. Irina Linkova (Goryunova) - an economist, who worked for 13 years in ... -
A passport for a doll as a separate art. Read-gift
Puppeteer photographer As you know, we puppeteers are multi-taskers. We have to use different fields of knowledge and arts and crafts in the process of making a doll. You have to be a sculptor, seamstress, constructor, photographer and even a passport designer for a doll. You have to learn a lot from scratch. Some of the problems that arise are not solved immediately. You either have to make do with very little or take a long time ... -
A portrait doll - a simple souvenir or Magic?
Creating portraits of dolls - I often fall in love with them! By definition, a portrait doll is a three-dimensional image that resembles a specific person in a number of ways. When you look at a portrait doll the resemblance is immediately evident. The origin of portrait dolls dates back to ancient times. Not infrequently associated with certain cult and religious-magical tasks. Over time, the purpose of the doll has changed and ... -
Tash Pollard is the Guide to Mythical Creatures.
Wood, fire and ancient folklore. Continuing the story about the authors of "Alternative Puppets", I want to elaborate on the work of the British master - Tach Pollard. The artist creates surrealistic characters, stylized beings - "Spirits of Nature", as the author himself calls them. Once you see Pollard's works it's impossible to forget them. Looking at the faces, the figures of characters, you are struck by the exotic imagery. But... -
Gogol and mysticism are always there.
Personal exhibition of Elena Babkina "GOGOL TYPES" On May 13, in Ryazan, in the MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF YOUTH MOVEMENT, an exhibition of doll sculpture "GOGOL TYPES", created based on illustrations by Pyotr Mikhailovich Boklevsky, was opened. The exposition is timed to coincide with the 205th anniversary of the birthday of the illustrator who lived in the Ryazan province in 1816-1897. We recall with pleasure the work of a worthy citizen of our homeland, who has done so much for ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023