• top-100-daily-doll-thedailydollnews-02-01

    Every time, after the publication of TOP 100 DailyDoll, the editorial mail is flooded. We tried to make a list of the most frequent questions. - Is this a contest? No. It's not a contest. TOP 100 DailyDoll is an independent annual ranking of the most colourful dolls in the world. - How can I participate in this project? To participate in the TOP 100 ...
  • top-100-daily-doll-2023-thedailydollnews-1-01-01-2

    Dear friends, a few words from the editorial team before you start looking at the TOP 100 DailyDoll 2023. This year we dedicate it to the memory of Lisa Lichtenfels, who left us last year. Her work opens the list of the most striking works, according to the magazine. TOP 100 DailyDoll is not just a list of the best dolls of the year, it is a tribute to ...
  • porcelain dolls sylvia weser 1 01

    Artist, doll maker Sylvia Weser was born and lived in Germany. Her dolls have many awards - the best doll in Europe, awards in several Eurodoll nominations. Even in her youth she was interested in art and took up painting and sculpture. Her love for dolls started with collecting. When Sylvia made her first clay and plasticine dolls she realised that ...
  • peggy abrams christmas souvenir toys 1

    New Year's souvenir toys created according to the traditional patterns of folk crafts are recognised as the World Heritage of Humanity by the international organisation UNESCO. These days in many cities of the world New Year and Christmas fairs open, where you can see figures for the creche, Santa Claus in the national dress of the country and region of origin, as well as sweet gingerbread, candy and ... kind smiles of passers-by. In recent ...
  • bebeestrella1 1

    María de Jesús Rodríguez Flores is a member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA. The work is made in a single copy. Technique and materials : polymer clay, antique brass van. 7 cm I share with you this little Christmas baby.  
  • dolls julien martinez 1

    Julien Martinez is a contemporary French artist, a graduate of the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts, specialising in sculpture, miniature, design and incarnation of Blythe, Pullip, Dal, Toffee, BJD and antique dolls. The Bordeaux-born artist has a knack for creating melancholy characters with red eyes, disheveled hair and decadent clothing; blending aristocratic and country life in 19th century France to reflect the loneliness of human ...
  • susanna oroyan e book designing the doll 1

    Puppetry guru Susanna Oroyan (1942-2007) began making dolls in earnest in 1972 and was elected to NIADA in 1982. She mastered a variety of materials including polymer clay, paper clay and fabric. Her style of doll making was never static but was constantly evolving. In addition to making dolls, Suzanne has taught extensively in the USA and Australia, independently ...
  • IMG 0345 1

    The author of the doll "Sophie mould Roxy202201" Shvartsman Inna - member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA Movable articulated doll. The work is made in a single copy. Materials - polyurethane, angora goat. 35.5 cm @schvartsman.dolls  
  • Meet Youmeng Lius amazing edible embroidery 61653eaeae1be8f 01

    Embroidery is an ancient art, but artists of today are creating their own unique techniques. British embroidery artist Youmeng Liu is pushing the boundaries of her craft by creating her own 3D embroidery technique. She uses a special needle, pushing coloured thread into the base of the fabric to create a three-dimensional textile ingredient. Scissors then come into play to outline the appetising shapes of the embroidered dish. В ...
  • the-owl-in-love

    The author of the doll "Loving Owl" Maria de Jesus Rodriguez Flores - member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA The work is made in a single copy. Mixed technique, felting, fabric modelling, cotton appliqués. 30 cm