Tag: современное искусство
Keti Anastasaki: Искусство в огне
В сердце Афин, в районе Маруси, расположена мастерская и шоу-рум OPTO, где креативность и вдохновение встречаются в гармоничном взаимодействии. Здесь, вместе с коллегами и двумя дочерьми, талантливый скульптор Keti Anastasaki создает уникальные работы, которые отражают не только её личный стиль, но и семейные традиции. Эта творческая атмосфера наполняет каждую работу особым смыслом и эмоциональной насыщенностью. ... -
Hybrid Art Fair 2025: Новая Эра Современного Искусства
С 6 по 9 марта 2025 года в сердце Мадрида пройдет Hybrid Art Fair — уникальное международное событие, которое обещает стать важной вехой в мире современного искусства. Это ярмарка, посвященная экспериментальным художественным предложениям и инсталляциям, созданным специально для конкретных пространств, предлагает художникам и галереям возможность продемонстрировать свои работы в нестандартной обстановке. Hybrid Art Fair позиционируется ... -
Kazu Hiro: Master of Hyperrealism
Kazu Hiro is a prominent contemporary hyperrealist sculptor, prosthetic and make-up designer who lives and works in Los Angeles. His career spans over 25 years in Hollywood, where he established himself as one of the leading make-up artists. In 2012, Kazu made a decisive change of career, dedicating himself to creating stunning three-dimensional portraits that double as ... -
Masayo Odahashi: The Art of Contemplation and Duality
Masayo Odahashi, a Japanese sculptor whose work is mesmerising and intriguing, was born in 1975 in Mie Prefecture, Japan. Her journey into the art world began with a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree from Aichi University of Education. However, despite her academic background, Masayo Odahashi's true skill and unique approach has been revealed through her work, which has found its fulfilment ... -
Tony Fredriksson: The world of driftwood sculptures
Tony Fredriksson's creative history began with a passion for modelling with plasticine as a child. He created his own little worlds full of fantasy and imagination. Subsequently, Tony Fredriksson was successfully engaged in commercial art and created many bronze sculptures, which became a decoration of various corners of the planet. In 2007, Tony Fredriksson was fascinated by the bizarre shapes of a discarded piece of wood and saw the ... -
Efraim Rodriguez. Unreal realism
Efraim Rodriguez is a talented artist whose sculptures delight with their craftsmanship and unique philosophy. Born in 1971 in Valencia to a family of artists, he was surrounded by art from childhood. After graduating from the University of Barcelona, Efraim became a teacher and associate professor, passing on his knowledge and passion for sculpture to a new generation of artists. Efraim Rodriguez's sculptures are striking in their finely crafted ... -
Sculptures by Jesus Curia Perez
Jesus Curia Perez is a contemporary sculptor and artist from Spain. He completed his studies at the University of Madrid in 1992. Like his father, he wanted to become a painter. But when he became acquainted with sculpture, he was so impressed that he decided to stop drawing to focus entirely on three-dimensional works. The natural elegance of non-European cultures has always been a source of inspiration for him. .... -
Elisabeth Higgins O'Connor. Sculptures from recycled materials
In kindergarten, Elisabeth Higgins O'Connor drew a yellow blob with an orange triangle on a white piece of paper. Her classmates crowded around her when they saw a little duckling in the blob. More than four decades later, Elisabeth Higgins O'Connor said that moment changed her. It helped her develop as an artist. Over the years, her work has grown in scale and has begun to include a variety of ... -
Geoffrey Gorman. Original works from found material
Geoffrey Gorman is a practicing artist who creates his original sculptures from found material in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He shows his work throughout the United States and has also exhibited in China, South Korea, and Canada. Over the years, his unique sculptures have been written about in the New York Post, Southwest Art, American Craft, American Style, and Cloth, Paper, ... -
From the life of insects. Embroidery by Yumi Okita.
Yumi Okita's original collection of insects is stunningly realistic. The textile sculptures are so lifelike and one of the butterflies seems to flap its wing and fly away. Using fabrics, fur and embroidery in her work, the artist has managed to capture the colours of nature, the variety of living forms and textures. Yumi Okita's three-dimensional embroideries are stunning, devoid of exaggeration or imitation. It is an author's view ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
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