• the-exhibition-the-art-of-dolls-2023-1-2

    From 14 to 17 December 2023, in the heart of Moscow, Expocentre will host a unique event for all doll lovers - the Art of the Doll exhibition. This large-scale event, bringing together more than 1000 masters from 26 countries, will present visitors with tens of thousands of amazing exhibits. The organisers of the exhibition have tried to create a unique atmosphere in which each doll will tell its own unique story. ....
  • efraim-rodriguez-dailydollnews-2023-1-2

    Efraim Rodriguez is a talented artist whose sculptures delight with their craftsmanship and unique philosophy. Born in 1971 in Valencia to a family of artists, he was surrounded by art from childhood. After graduating from the University of Barcelona, Efraim became a teacher and associate professor, passing on his knowledge and passion for sculpture to a new generation of artists. Efraim Rodriguez's sculptures are striking in their finely crafted ...
  • recipe-creating-rust-dailydollnews-11-2023-1-2

    A recipe for creating rust for art projects. To complete their project and create a memorable image, puppet masters have to resort to the most unexpected solutions. They may use unusual materials or experiment with different techniques. One such solution may be to create a rust effect on the objects in the overall composition of the project. This requires not only technical skills, but also ...
  • mark-dennis-dolls-dailydollnews-2023-1-2

    Mark Dennis is a realist sculptor and creates striking works of art that convey the beauty and complexity of the human experience. His work ranges from small art dolls to large life-size portraits, and all are characterised by realistic craftsmanship and attention to detail. Mark Dennis began sculpting in college where he studied technical theatre. At that time, he was most ...
  • timberland-dailydollnews-11-2023-1-2

    Timberland's oak tree logo has deep historical roots. It symbolises generational continuity, as the brand's founder, Nathan Schwartz, together with his sons turned the company into a family business. This emphasises their commitment to producing high quality shoes that will last for years to come. Nathan Schwartz (left) with his son Sidney Schwartz (right) One of Timberland's key achievements ...
  • lora-soling-dolls-dailydollnews-11-2023-1-01-2

    Lora Soling is an artist and doll maker from the United States. She has a BA in Museum Printmaking and the School of Fine Arts in Boston, and has trained as a fashion and fashion designer in Boston and San Francisco. Lora Soling grew up in a family of collectors, spent a lot of time scouring antique shops, and lived in a family that aesthetically honoured the past. Surrounded by ...
  • gwen-murphy-dailydollnews-11-2023-1-2

    Shoes are not just a wardrobe item, they are more than that. That's exactly what Gwen Murphy, a talented sculptor and master of children's fantasies, believes. Since childhood, she has seen shoes as more than just protection for her feet. Each pair had its own character and personality. As she grew up, Gwen Murphy did not forget her childhood fantasies, but instead began ...
  • master-class-dianna-effner-dailydollnews-1-2

    Dianna Effner first made a name for herself as a doll maker in the early 70s. Many beautiful models, moulds, drawings, sketches have come out of her hands. In 1999 she founded the famous "Doll Dreamers Guild", a full-fledged workshop aimed at training and educating professionals who are able to make their own dolls and, most importantly, to teach all ...
  • dailydollnews-birthday-art-doll-3-1-2

    Dear Readers! DailyDollNews is now three years old and we would like to thank you very much for your support. All this time we have been trying to share the most interesting and relevant information from the world of dolls with you, and we are very pleased to see that our articles and reviews arouse your interest. We are constantly working on ...
  • master-class-dailydollnews-30-10-1-1-2

    This masterclass will help you to create champignons from polymer clay without using moulds. The fashion for mushrooms in textiles, paper and cotton papier-mâché, polymer clay has swept social networks. Especially interesting are the variants of multifunctional constructions and decorations in the design of lamps, household utensils and clothes with mushrooms. Now everyone who is in the "trend" should have a brooch-muchomore or embroidery with opiate mushrooms. Mushrooms - ...