Tag: дейли долл
Sculptures in bronze and ceramics. Dirk de Keyser.
Dirk De Keyser is a Belgian sculptor who creates his sculptures in bronze and ceramics. Born in 1958, he was educated at the Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Eeklo, under the supervision of Leo De Buissere. He has been a professional sculptor since 1985.In a time and environment where creativity was considered an anxiety rather than a virtue, the young Dirk De Keyser found it difficult to decide in ... -
The story of Teddy Bear's creation
The history of Teddy Bear is closely connected with the history of the Steiff company. The company "Steiff" has been producing soft toys since the end of the 19th century and to this day. In 1880, a young German woman Margaret Steiff, opened a small workshop, which begins one of the stories of Teddy bear. The first Teddy bear by Steiff, called "RV55", a replica of 1902 from 2012. ... -
The history of the dollhouse
The history of the doll's house dates back to the 16th century. The oldest known doll's house was built in 1558 for Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria - but not as a toy, but as the smallest work of art and exhibit. In the 17th and 18th centuries, wealthy patrician families in Nuremberg and Augsburg took up the idea and rebuilt their houses in miniature, ... -
Ronnie Burkett puppets
Ronnie Burkett is a Canadian puppeteer. He is best known for his original plays for adults performed by puppets. "When I am on stage I approach the ritual religiously, I try not to disturb the little people and the audience" - says Ronnie Burkett about himself and his work. At the age of 7 he became fascinated with puppets and decided to become a puppeteer. According to ... -
Author's textile dolls Joan Alen - Trollops and Peacocks
"Create to have fun!" - this is the motto of artist Joan Alen. Her works have a unique author's style, excitement and fun! Each doll is accompanied by a short description, where the author explains the character and habits of the character. Here is one of them: "Maybelle, flighty, independent, vague, drinks champagne through a straw." Interesting, isn't it! Velda spends every day on the ... -
Natalia Pogrebnaya's baby doll sculpting workshop
Every author has his own secrets and tricks, but every business has its own rules. Eyes are wide-set, nose is "button", ears are planted low, the front part is small and the forehead is big - these are the rules, according to which the baby's head is built when modelling. However, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. And to see and hear from different ... -
MASTER CLASS. Pink Flamingo
In this masterclass, you will learn how to create a Pink Flamingo textile doll with your own hands. Have fun creating it! Material prepared by Anastasia Golenieva -
Master class. Signor Tomato
In this video I will tell you how to make a decorative toy yourself, the hero of the fairy tale "Cipollino". Necessary materials and tools: Tissues paper cardboard Pasteboard String foil Wire PVA Glue Hotmelt Acrylic paint Pencil Pencil Brushes Enjoy the creativity! Material prepared by Alexander Tiunova -
DDNEWS' pick for July: "Bess"
Today we are presenting Bess, a doll by Shelley Thornton, a beautiful artisan from the USA. Shelley's dolls can be compared to three-dimensional drawings, where colourful textiles are used instead of paints. They are characterized by saturated colours, clear silhouettes, author's stylization. The artist recalls: "Creativity has been my main occupation since I was two years old. I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, where I lived and worked... -
Masterclass. Stag beetle
In this masterclass, you will learn how to make a textile Beetlejuice puppet with your own hands. Have fun creating it! Material prepared by Anastasia Golenieva
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023