• Terry Pratchett 11 01

    DRAFT LETTER FROM LANCRE. STORY CONTINUED: "Important DETAILS" Today I will tell you about Every Little Thing. When the whole World is created, even if it is Flat, without trifles, let's call them DETAILS, it is impossible to do. Each of our Heroes has their own preferences, their favorite ITEMS AND OBJECTS, their favorite drinks and food. But they all met on the CHEST, and it is necessary that ...
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    In this video I will tell you how to make a needle box. We take the box you have and use it to measure, on a sheet of thick cardboard, a cover of the appropriate size. Cut and glue it to the fabric. Using glue, we connect the fixed part of the lid to the box. The result is a movable fabric hinge that allows the lid to open. Decorative elements cut out of cardboard and ...
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    Let's get acquainted with the sophisticated and mysterious female images of Nicole West Forest fairies, sad clowns and burlesque queens are the main characters of the American artist. Nicole West began to engage in creative work from early childhood. The artist's mother, jokingly, claims that her daughter masterly gnawed animal figurines from bread toasts served for breakfast. Having received from her daughter's hands the first doll, sculpted from plasticine, she said: ...
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    My name is Victoria Kostina, I have been making designer dolls for over 15 years. I would like to share my experience of working on order. I'll tell you how I came to this and why I'm going to give it up. My history. My passion for dolls has long remained a hobby for me. I studied a lot, tried different materials and designs to create dolls. The creation of each work took ...
  • Terry Pratchett 10 01

    DRAFT LETTER FROM LANKAR. TALE CONTINUED: "NANNY JAGG" Greetings to you from the Sheepfolds. Today I'm going to tell you about NANNY JAGG. However, better than the author himself, SIR TERRY PRATCHETT, no one can tell you about this wonderful woman: "Most WEDDINGS tend to settle away from prying eyes, covering the roofs of hovels with traditional thatch and putting on them, no less, traditional hooked pipes. ...
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    The images of the dolls come out of thin air. They come from the books I have read, the films I have watched, the emotions I have experienced ... I start work only when I see a clear image. I can wait for it for a long time: a month, half a year ... Sometimes a light sketch, which you doubt to show to people, will rather lead to a finished image than a solid, well-designed sketch. My images usually come at night or early ...
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    Elena says about herself: “When you are very small, you are walking across the field, collecting flower petals, making a decoction from them for bruises and abrasions. During your school years, you dream of becoming a scientist or a doctor, but often you sit at an easel in an art school and solve problems in your favorite trigonometry. As a result, you graduate from the Faculty of Cybernetics and work as a designer in an advertising agency, ...
  • terry pratchett part09 oblogka

    DRAFT LETTERS FROM LANKAR. I'd like to tell you a little more about VERENCE, our brave King's Jester. Today, I'm going to tell you about VERENS, our brave Royal Jester. Here's what SIR TERRY PRATCHETT has to say about his childhood, and who knows better... - When, at the age of six, he decided to tell his grandfather a joke of his own making, the joke said...
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    In this video I will tell you how I made the Miracle Whale out of cardboard. I translated the whale pattern onto cardboard, 2 mm thick. All the details were cut out and sanded with a nail file. To make hanging loops, I twisted a thin wire in half. To give mobility to the tail, I glued a thread folded four times to the body. Using PVA glue, I connected the hinges and that's it ...
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    Realism in nylon. "It would not have occurred to me that such realistic figures could be created from nylon fabric," says Lisa Lichtenfels, founder of sculptural textiles, an artist from Massachusetts (USA). With her inherent imagination, humor and understanding of psychology, the master creates real sculptural portraits, uniting the heroes with complex plots and compositions. For over twenty-five years ...