• hybrid-art-fair-2025-thedailydollnews-1-3

    С 6 по 9 марта 2025 года в сердце Мадрида пройдет Hybrid Art Fair — уникальное международное событие, которое обещает стать важной вехой в мире современного искусства. Это ярмарка, посвященная экспериментальным художественным предложениям и инсталляциям, созданным специально для конкретных пространств, предлагает художникам и галереям возможность продемонстрировать свои работы в нестандартной обстановке. Hybrid Art Fair позиционируется ...
  • exhibition-abkhazian-artists-istanbul-2024-1-2

    From 5 to 19 September, the Baryn Khan Gallery in Istanbul will host a unique exhibition dedicated to the work of Abkhaz artists. This event promises to be an important milestone in the cultural life of both Abkhazia and Turkey, providing an opportunity for viewers to touch the rich artistic heritage of this region. The exhibition will feature the works of ten talented artists: Asida Akhuba, Adamur Arshba, Apshchi ...
  • vladimir-gvozdev-dolls-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Vladimir Gvozdev is a name that has long been synonymous with multifaceted talent and indomitable creative spirit. He has travelled a long and fascinating path from designer to a recognised master whose works adorn collections all over the world. Vladimir Gvozdev received his artistic education at the Moscow Art School in memory of 1905. This educational institution is known for its strong traditions and ...
  • karen-lamonte-sculptures-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Karen LaMonte is an American artist whose work strikes the imagination and touches the deepest strings of the human soul. She has created a unique artistic language from ceramics, bronze, cast glass and large-scale monotype prints. Her life-size sculptures not only reproduce the human form, but also convey the ephemerality and fragility of human nature. One of the key themes in the work of ...
  • authors-dolls-anya-anderson-1-2

    Anya Anderson is an artist, art doll maker, and a member of the National Institute of American Dollmakers NIADA. For me, making dolls is art, self-expression. It is my view of the world, my fantasies and my experience in the art form of a little person. Art has always been in Anya Anderson's life - mostly painting. She attended an art studio as a child and then ...
  • sculptures-richard-macdonald-1-2

    Richard MacDonald is a contemporary figurative sculptor who has been making art for over fifty years, striving to convey every facet of the human experience in his work. Born in California, the sculptor has spent over 25 years creating works that have changed the modern understanding of figurative sculpture. Among his greatest achievements are historically significant public monuments, one of them a 26-foot bronze sculpture, The Flair,...
  • marsha-schindler-sculptures-1-2

    Marsha Schindler creates original works of art, particularly a series of ceramic sculptures, in her Sacramento art studio. Marsha Schindler is a foundations instructor at the California Institute of the Arts, Sacramento. She has taught subjects such as design fundamentals, observational drawing, colour theory, perspective, visual language and culture. Professor of Art for summer academic talent search summer programmes at Sacramento State University. Taught ...
  • niada-world-organisation-of-puppeteers-1-2

    NIADA - 60 Years Dedicated to the Art of Doll Design 1963 - 2023 Rich in Tradition - New Ideas NIADA is a worldwide organisation of doll artists, supporting patrons and friends whose purpose is to promote the art of the original handmade doll. IMA NARODITSKAYA HISTORY NIADA 60 Years of Artistic Doll Design The National Institute of American Doll Artists was officially founded in May 1963 at ...
  • authors-dolls-mari-shimizu-1-2

    The magnificent dolls of Japanese artist Mari Shimizu mesmerise viewers. Each of her dolls seems to be a part of its own story, a ghostly vision that we can only guess about. Mari Shimizu is an outstanding representative of Japanese author dolls. When we talk about dolls by Japanese masters, we most often associate them with fashion, anime characters or multi-coloured street art. This author touches a nerve, ...
  • kim-simonsson-sculptures-1-2

    Finnish sculptor Kim Simonsson's characters seem to have emerged from dreams and Scandinavian fairy tales. The artist is indeed inspired by local folklore, but just as much by popular culture and cinema. If you look closely, his characters wear modern backpacks and tape recorders, dress in teenage clothing, and hold books and plush toys in their hands. Ceramic sculptures of cute, big-eyed girls, animals and ...