• jewelry-edu-tarin-thedailydollnews-1-2

    В сердце солнечной Валенсии, Испания, в 1984 году родился талантливый ювелир Edu Tarin. Сын мастера своего дела, Edu Tarin с раннего возраста оказался под влиянием ювелирной традиции, которую передавали из поколения в поколение. Обучался в мастерской семейного бизнеса у г-на Eduardo Tarín Ruiz, он был известным специалистом по золотому делу, а опытный гравировщик г-н Francisco ...
  • acrylic-painting-thedailydollnews-1-1-3

    Акриловые краски — это один из самых популярных и универсальных материалов в современном искусстве. Их яркие цвета, быстрая высыхаемость и легкость в использовании делают акрил идеальным выбором как для профессиональных художников, так и для любителей. Особенно привлекательна живопись акриловыми красками благодаря своей способности создавать насыщенные и выразительные произведения. Но как возникла эта техника рисования, как ...
  • vector-illustration-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Vector illustration is the art of creating images using mathematical formulas and geometric primitives. This branch of graphic design has its own rich history, from the first steps of computer graphics to modern applications in various fields.The origins of vector graphics can be traced back to the 1960s, when computers were just beginning to come into common use. One of the first software products to use ...
  • history-of-beadwork-thedailydollnews-1-2

    Beadwork is the art of creating jewellery and furnishings from beads, which has deep roots in human history. It has come a long way from simple jewellery to complex works of art, and its development is inextricably linked to cultural and technological changes over the centuries. The history of beading goes back a long way. The first mention of beads dates back to the ancient ...
  • crealandia-craftsmen-olegirabeadpatterns-1-2

    Crealandia is a unique marketplace of handmade goods that opens its doors to artisans from all over the world, allowing them to create their own shops and turn their favourite hobby into a successful business. Here everyone can find something truly special: from exquisite jewellery to original interior items made with heart and attention to detail. In this interview we will get acquainted with ...
  • crealandia-handmade-goods-1-2

    In today's world, more and more people strive to express themselves and create unique handmade products. Crealandia is a marketplace that opens its doors to artisans from all over the world, giving them the opportunity not only to share their creativity, but also to turn their favourite hobby into a successful business. Crealandia is a platform created to support and promote handmade goods. ...