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    In this video I will tell you how to make three-dimensional cardboard toys with your own hands. Materials and tools needed: Thick cardboard (1.5 mm) thin cardboard Threads Paint acrylic glue PVA Needle (or a miniature drill) Pencil simple scissors Brushes Knife stationery Sandpaper (or nail file) Felt stick Enjoy the creativity! Material was prepared by Alexandra Tiunova  
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    The tradition of Christmas exhibitions by Marina Tsolakovna Azizian, artist and curator of the exhibition The Light of Christmas, has existed for more than 20 years. The artist creates new works and invites colleagues to share their own. There are no special conditions for the selection of exhibits, the main thing is to maintain the magical mood inherent in the bright holiday of Christmas. These chamber-like, cosy exhibits embody the old traditions of homes where people wait and prepare for the holiday, believe in ...
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    Today we are going to introduce you to one-of-a-kind realistic characters by British artist Annie Montgomery Annie was born and lives in Dorset, England. She studied stone carving, design and jewellery making. During her studies she developed a passion for creating characters from vintage finds and antique materials. The artist is particularly thrilled with her children's drawings, which give birth to incredible ...
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    In this master class, you will learn how to sew an interior, textile doll - Fly. Have fun creating! Material was prepared by Anastasia Golenieva    
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    The editors of the Daily Doll News Online Edition are preparing an extensive list of the best author's works of 2021: Top 100 - dolls, masters, projects. The works were evaluated according to the following criteria: artistry, composition, colour solution, originality and expressiveness of the image. In the Top 100, along with the works of internationally recognised masters, will get authors - "discovery of the year" and quite newcomers who have justified the title of "successful start". So that we ...
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    "For as long as I can remember, I have been drawing everywhere. I wanted to study fashion design, but became a railway engineer". Ima Naroditskaya was passionate about ballet, sports, literature, attended a painting studio and then a theatre studio where marionette puppets were the actors from her childhood. Her parents felt that the profession should be a serious one, so Ima graduated from the Railway Transport Institute. While working in her profession, Ima ...
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    The Union of Cultures Creative Association, with the support of the V.V. Mayakovsky Centre for Art and Music of the Central State Pedagogical Library, presents the Christmas exhibition "Reflection of a Star" as part of the Festival "Christmas Mystery". As part of the Christmas Mystery Festival, the Union of Cultures Creative Association presents the Christmas exhibition Reflections of the Star. The Star of Bethlehem, symbol of the birth of Christ, faith and hope in the miracle of Christmas, lives in the soul of every person. The reflection of this light can be seen in a child's humble drawing and in the work of a mature artist.
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    The 2nd International Festival "Christmas Lights" of the creative association "Union of Cultures" with the support of the State Historical and Art Palace and Park Museum-Reserve "Gatchina" presents the exposition "Christmas in the castle of the Knights' Palace" This annual cultural event gives everyone, regardless of age and religious confession, the opportunity to join the centuries-old tradition of celebrating Christmas. The Priory Palace Chapel welcomes not only the traditional characters of the Nativity ...
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    Today we will tell you about Svetlana Gevorkyan's beautiful VOGUE VINTAGE doll collection "Svetlana has taken on the difficult task of "reviving" the iconic VOGUE magazine covers, drawn by George Plank. And she succeeded magnificently!" - Testimonial by fashion historian Tatiana Nagorskikh. VOGUE magazine is one of the most authoritative publications in the fashion world. Founded in 1891 by Arthur Tournour, the publication was ...
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    In this video I will show you how to make a Santa or Gnome out of the materials. You have a lovely miniature Christmas tree based on a deodorant ball (or ping-pong ball). Materials and tools: Deodorant ball Tin foil Tin foil Threads PVA Glue Thermoclay Paper napkins Acrylic paint Scissors Needlepoint Pencil Brushes Pliers Pliers Needle-nose pliers Enjoy your creativity! Material ...