Tag: авторские куклы
Humor in dolls. Dolls with humor.
International Day of Humor When is it? April Fools 'Day or April Fools' Day is a fun holiday celebrated around the world on April 1st. On this day, it is customary to play pranks on relatives, friends and just acquaintances, cheerfully making fun of them. The origins of the holiday Where this tradition comes from, from France, England, Mexico or Sweden - a mystery shrouded in the darkness of obscurity. One version ... -
Reflections on the ideal. Sketch.
Бывает ли желание сделать неидеальную куклу? Начнем с определения. Идеал — от греческого, вид, образ, идея; высшая цель деятельности, стремлений; совершенное воплощение чего-либо. Когда художник приступает к созданию куклы, у него есть образ того, что он хочет получить в результате. Даже если этот образ неосознанный. Тут стоит уточнить: художник делает по собственному замыслу и желанию. ... -
A fairy tale told in dolls. (Continuation)
You can find the story behind the creation of these dolls in the previous article " A tale told in dolls (Preface)". Cloud Maidens. Part 2. (Fairy tale-ballad.) In ancient, time immemorial times, when the earth was very young, and in its forests, waters and mountains there were wonders, in the early spring in the morning lost in the dawn fog three travellers, three good ... -
A fairy tale told in dolls. (Foreword).
Part 1. How and where does the idea of a particular doll come from? If you know, please tell me. Because I don't have my own answer to this question yet. But there is a history of an already embodied idea. Cloud Maidens. Yes, it so happened that this is not one, but three dolls at once. You can say that I broke through after a long silence in the case ... -
Rococo style in a man's suit. Culottes.
Briefly about the main thing. The beginning of the image. Each time, starting to create a new doll, the most important task arises before me - to embody this or that image in such a way as to convey the character and spirit of not only the character, but also the era to which he or she belongs. To do this, I try to study the subject of the costume as deeply as possible. First, it's terribly interesting and ... -
We write for you ...
Why am I writing articles? First, it's interesting. My favorite section in the magazine: History of dolls. I am captivated by the events from the life of talented masters, their unique works, creative searches. Secondly, I would like to share my findings and thoughts. When you begin to delve into a topic that interests you, you find answers to many questions. It often happens that one sentence written ... -
BlogInterestingPeople and DollsNina RadzikhovskayaReflections of an artistDevelopmentsContemporary masters
To the puppeteer artist.
An artist is not a vocation ... And not a state of mind. It is God's gift to want (and preferably be able to 😉) talk to people! Using different tools, different languages and dialects, gaining knowledge and learning incessantly. And the one who has chosen this way of speaking like a doll at the call of the soul must also be very responsible and wise. Because his ... -
Happy Puppeteer Day!
When the International Day of Puppetry, or World Puppetry Day, is celebrated, the whole world has celebrated in early spring, March 21, since 2003. History of the holiday The history of the holiday began in 2000 at the XVIII Congress of the International Union of Puppet Theater Workers (Union Internationale de la Marionnette, UNIMA) in Magdeburg. Exactly ... -
Do I need to put meaning in the doll? Dolls with history.
Foreword. Historical notes. Once, very long ago, at the dawn of mankind, one primitive man, strange in the eyes of his fellow tribesmen, took a wand in his hands. I attached a bunch of grass to it, wrapped it all with the veins of a dead rhinoceros and painted it with white clay. The tribesmen, who watched all this with interest, respectfully named him a shaman. ... -
Male images in dolls. Gogol and Boklevsky.
Illustration as inspiration ... While still a student at the Ryazan Art School named after G.K. Wagner many years ago, it was a pleasant discovery for me that Pyotr Mikhailovich Boklevsky, an illustrator, was born, worked and was buried on the Ryazan land. The greatest Master of drawing and watercolors, a subtle and sensitive artist, deep, straightforward (and therefore with a complex character), ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023