Tag: авторы кукол
Выбор DailyDollNews в марте: выставка DollArte 2025
Выбором TheDailyDollNews в этом месяце стала выставка DollArte, международное событие, которое обещает стать настоящим праздником для любителей авторских кукол и кукольного искусства. С 21 по 23 марта 2025 года в живописной Риге, в гостинице Bellevue Park Hotel Riga, соберутся мастера и ценители со всего мира, чтобы отпраздновать Международный день кукольника и продемонстрировать свои уникальные работы. ... -
Happy NEW YEAR 2025: A word from the editorial board of TheDailyDollNews!
Dear readers and masters! TheDailyDollNews wishes you a very Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! During this magical period, we want to express our sincere gratitude to you for being with us throughout 2024. Your trust and support inspire us to new achievements and accomplishments! We wish you all the best in the new year: creative ... -
DailyDollNews' pick for January: Olga Lakhina "It's the kind of work that can't be rationed."
DailyDollNews' January selection was an interview with Olga Lakhina, executive director of the Art of Dolls exhibition. Olga Lakhina is the organiser of the exhibitions "Time of Dolls", "Kraft Bazaar" in St. Petersburg and co-organiser of the exhibition "The Art of Dolls" together with Lana Letta and Irina Myzina. She is passionate about dolls, travelling and volunteering. Her work brings joy and benefit to many people. How did the idea come ... -
Creative duo AnyaManya
AnyaManya is a project created by talented twin sisters Anna Grigorieva and Maria Kolegova (Grigorieva). Their passion for art and puppets began while they were still studying in the decorative and props department of the Kazan Theatre School. Since then they not only develop their creative potential, but also actively participate in international exhibitions of author's dolls. Anna and Maria are ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023