Tag: дайли долл
I am interested in creating educational books.
Today there is hardly a puppet artist who is not familiar with the books of Nadezhda Gensitskaya, an expert in the field of Puppet Science. Perhaps they are known to everyone. Nadezhda is a recognised author of textbooks on doll making. The way of presentation of the material is very interesting. The peculiarities of embodiment of male and female images in the creation of mobile and static dolls with internal dynamics are revealed. In her books Nadezhda covers ... -
DABIDA - Annual international author doll competition.
You probably already know about a wonderful project - the DABIDA competition. Russian-speaking craftsmen regularly win prizes in it. But not many people know about the background to this project. DABIDA is a Russian acronym which means the Belgian-Dutch Association of Puppet Artists. Today it has been 15 years since DABIDA held its first exhibition, which is now called DABIDA Day. А ... -
Piercing eyes - looking right into your soul...
Meet the Puppet Master, Anne Marie Gibbons Continuing the conversation about alternative dolls, let's pay attention to works that certainly do not leave anyone indifferent. It seems that these piercing eyes look straight into your soul ... Anne Marie received her art education in New York, United States of America. From early childhood, she had an enthusiastic love for dolls ... -
"A doll is something that stays with you forever."
"I don't remember when I wanted to make dolls..." - Unlike those artists who know exactly how and when the desire to make dolls was ignited in them, I don't remember such a moment in my life. I tried once, but I couldn't pinpoint the exact date. I wouldn't say they've always been there, but they've somehow blended in, as a matter of course, and ... -
How to generate inspiration?
How to generate inspiration? Recently I asked this question and, I remember, even promised someone that I would tell you. For starters, what does the Encyclopedia say about inspiration. Inspiration is a special state of a person, which is characterized by high productivity, tremendous lift and concentration of human strength. It is a typical feature and an integral element of creativity. It's dry tongue. In simple terms, inspiration is a flow, ... -
Why create dolls?
Refined pleasure A man is born for happiness and joy, but each goes to them in his own way. Making works of art is a pleasure of a much higher order than, say, the pleasure of drinking a beer or smoking a hookah. Creativity is akin to meditation: a person is immersed in a process that by itself enthralls him, slows down and fills him with good emotions and a resource for everyday ... -
Puppet and Architecture - Expert Opinion. Continued
We continue the cycle of materials by an expert in the field of history and theory of art - Maria Krestyanikova. Architecture of Antiquity. Antiquity - from the word "old". But is this architecture so old? To begin with, let's define the framework of the eras: Antiquity is Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. This is the most beautiful paganism in the world and the most perfect sculpture (about it in another article). The architecture of antiquity ... -
MK. "Removing the silicone mold from the doll's face and hands."
In this video I will tell you how to remove the silicone mold from the doll's face and arms. I use a dental biphasic silicone that can be purchased from a specialist health care store. When the two components are mixed, a solidifying mass is obtained. Any silicone you can purchase can be used. I will shoot the shape of a small handle, which is quite difficult to sculpt, especially if you ... -
Doll in Architecture. Expert opinion.
Where is the relationship you ask me? And you will be right. What do you think when you look at the photo below? A direct link is detected. It turns out that all types of art cannot exist without each other, they interact and complement the whole curtain. Without a correct understanding of the era, appearance, costumes and the surrounding space, we cannot create a reliable image. Begin ... -
Women's costume of the "Gallant Age"
"After us, the deluge!" The Gallant Age (Frédées galantes) is the conventional name for the period from 1715 to 1770, which replaced the "grand era" of Louis XIV. Some historians extended the period to the French Revolution of 1789. The other name of the period, Rococo, which refers to the popular shell ornament, dates back to the 19th century. The gallant age ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023