• hugglets-winter-bearFest-2025-1-2

    Фестиваль Hugglets Winter BearFest, который пройдет в воскресенье, 23 февраля 2025 года, в Кенсингтонской ратуше в Лондоне, обещает стать настоящим событием для всех любителей плюшевых мишек и коллекционеров. Этот ежегодный фестиваль, который собирает под одной крышей как известных производителей, так и начинающих мастеров, привлекает внимание не только жителей Великобритании, но и гостей из разных уголков ...
  • aleah-klay-teddy-bear-thedailydollnews-1-2.

    Aleah Klay began her creative endeavours in an old house filled with an atmosphere of magic and inspiration. This unique corner of life has become not only her home, but also a source of endless ideas for creating fabulous creatures. Inspired by her surroundings, she creates miniature sculptures that seem to come to life before the eyes of her viewers. Aleah Klay first started working with polymer clay in ...
  • teddy and their friends whendis bear 1 1

    Whendi's Bears is the author of plush animals in a vintage and quirky style. All her designs are original and created using her own patterns. In her designs, Whendi's Bears achieves the appearance of an old antique toy found in a forgotten trunk in the attic after years of neglect. Each toy is handmade. German mohair, wood wool and pellets are used to create ...