Tag: искусство
DDNEWS' choice of February: Ashida Ahuba. Art heals the soul
Asida Akhuba is an author of wonderful dolls. She is a member of the professional union of artists of author's dolls UNIDIA, the union of artists of Abkhazia, the union of artists of Russian DPI, as well as the board of trustees of the cultural and charitable foundation "Ashana". Participant of charity projects of the Konstantin Khabensky and Kiaraz Foundations. Author of the project "Warm Hands", which united many talented and not indifferent people in support of the Foundation's wards. Asida Akhuba is a participant of many international ... -
Mythology, fairy tale and nature. Ceramics by Michele Fabbricatore.
The Italian ceramic sculptor Michele Fabbricatore creates amazing pictures of light and pure worlds with his imagination and craftsmanship. They seem to resurrect a time of biblical values and give us, the author's contemporaries, a visible witness to beauty and harmony. It sustains and gives hope that this is how the world is, and that nothing will change it! In my work I express what I love ... -
Marilyn Radzat dolls
Marilyn Radzat is an avid collector of antique treasures, from 1800's fabrics and trim to vintage memorabilia. Marilyn is inspired by this to incorporate antique items into her Fantasy style author dolls. A handwritten page from a French magazine from 1882, a rusty key, a bridal net from the turn of the last century, and beadwork handmade hundreds of years ago all come together ... -
History of dolls. Modista heads.
Mannequin dolls have been known since ancient times, but they became widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries, during the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Traders used mannequins made of wood and papier-mache to demonstrate outfits and to send samples of the latest fashion to other cities. Mannequins were made not only for dresses and underwear, but also for hats. In these ... -
E.J. Taylor dolls. Taylor
E.J.Taylor is an American artist who studied art and theatre in college and then costume and fashion design at Parsons School of Design in New York City. He was a member of the United Alliance of Motion Picture and Theatre Artists in New York. His interest in puppet making began with his introduction to folk puppets as a child. He began making dolls out of bale wire, cotton, scraps of ... -
Norman Schneider puppets
Norman Schneider is not afraid to use foam, which is known to "leak" and "crumble" over time. Norman Schneider is not afraid to use foam, which is known to "leak" and "crumble" over time. What matters to him is a quick result, no matter how or by what means it may be achieved. And let such a doll pleases for a year or two to retire, ... -
Jolly Little Elves is an animated film from 1934
"Jolly Little Elves" is a 1934 animated short film directed by Manuel Noreno and co-written and produced by Walter Lantz, part of the Cartune Classics series. A screen adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about a poor clog maker and his wife who are knocked at the window by a little elf who is cold and hungry. The shoemaker shared with him the last bun he had, and the elf thanked him for ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023