• master-class-dailydollnews-30-10-1-1-2

    This masterclass will help you to create champignons from polymer clay without using moulds. The fashion for mushrooms in textiles, paper and cotton papier-mâché, polymer clay has swept social networks. Especially interesting are the variants of multifunctional constructions and decorations in the design of lamps, household utensils and clothes with mushrooms. Now everyone who is in the "trend" should have a brooch-muchomore or embroidery with opiate mushrooms. Mushrooms - ...
  • master class moth polymer clay 1

    Do you know the difference between moths and butterflies? Moths tend to have thick and "hairy" bodies, while butterflies have slender and smooth abdomens. Moths have larger scales on their wings, making them fluffier. Butterflies, on the other hand, have thin scales. This difference may have to do with moths' need to keep warm on cool nights ...