Vladlena and her fairy kingdom
В трёх часах от Риги, столицы Латвии, находится небольшой город Прейли. Несмотря на свою древнюю историю и красоты природы, городок с населением в 9 тысяч человек был знаменит только одним — производимым в городе сыром чедер.
So everything went on until a young newlywed appeared in the town, who followed her husband Vladimir, a local resident of Preili.
Vladlena was an artist and dreamer. A decorator by education, Vladlena dreamed of working as an artist, but there was no work in her specialty in the city, as there was almost nothing to which she was used to and aspired to. In addition, it seemed that the small town did not need artists at all at that time.
That would be enough for any creative person to get depressed.
But Vladlena decided that whoever, no matter how an artist (and all artists are a little magicians), can build their own dream world, wherever her destiny has thrown her.
And she rolled up her sleeves ...
At first, in the courtyard of their house, she built ... a medieval mill. Then a castle with towers with weather vane on the roofs appeared near it. And around the castle, as expected, a canal was dug. And, of course, a bridge was thrown over it. Everything is as real, although reduced several times.
Vladlena created a small medieval kingdom like a stage set.
Удивлению соседей не было границ. Удивление сменилось любопытством. Любопытство — восхищением. И вскоре в маленьком королевстве появились первые посетители.
But what theater is without costumes?
Jack of all trades, Vladlena made real dresses, hats with feathers, lace collars, gloves, swords that resembled costumes
прошедших веков. Костюмов было сделано несколько сотен, самых разных цветов и размеров. И теперь посетители могли переодеться в понравившейся им костюм и на какое- время словно стать актерами — королями и принцессами, мушкетёра и знатными дамами. Так появилось миниатюрное королевство. Но этого было недостаточно, чтобы успокоиться.
Vdadlena perfectly remembers the year when she first made the doll. It was 2007, and since then, Vladlena has created over 1000 dolls.
Когда куклам стало тесно в ее маленькой студии, первый этаж их дома преобразился в художественную галерею — со стеклянными витринами, за которыми представлены ее удивительные куклы. Они все — словно застывшие в движении актеры и герои знакомых многим сказок.
The family's private gallery and fairy kingdom have become some of Preili's main attractions.
Vladlena, familiar to many amateurs and collectors, together with her husband Vladimir and the head of the city, organized the first international exhibition of designer dolls in Preili, which has been attracting crowds of visitors and artists from all over the world to the city for 5 years.
For her services to the city, Vladlena received the title of an honorary resident of the Preili region. Only 12 people have been honored with this award in the entire 600-year history of the city.
Vladlena herself travels a lot with her dolls around the world, but more
всего она любит быть дома, в маленьком кукольном королевстве — Lellukaralvalsts, которое она вместе с Владимиром создали собственными руками.
» Не важно где ты живешь, важно как» – убеждена Владлена.
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