New Year 100 years ago

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree in Russia did not always exist. It appeared 200 years ago, in 1817, and brought it to the celebration of the Nativity of the spouse of the future Emperor Nicholas I, a German by birth. And since that time, a green beauty decorated with candles, sweets and toys has appeared in every wealthy family every year.
In the royal family, a separate decorated Christmas tree with gifts under it was set up for each family member.

And gradually a beautiful tradition came to every home.
The real holiday began when candles were lit on the tree. Until that moment, children were usually not allowed into the room where the tree was being decorated. In many families, it was a tradition to hide the preparation of the tree from children. Until the last moment, the children did not know if they would arrange a Christmas tree for them this year. And when the candles were lit, the doors were thrown open, and the children, holding their breath, contemplated the dressed up beauty, sparkling with lights, there was no limit to their happiness. 

Так как на ёлке зажигали настоящие свечи и фонарики с «живым» огнем. А иногда их даже соединяли между собой пороховой нитью. И когда она вдруг загоралась (такое тоже случалось нередко), то для того, чтобы вовремя затушить занявшуюся от огня ветку, кто-то из взрослых держал наготове палку, обмотанную мокрой тряпицей.
Ёлку в те времена чаще всего ставили всего на один день и украшали ее игрушками и сладостями, а в конце вечера детям отдавали ее на «ощипывание». Они валили ее на пол и с шумом, смехом и весёлыми криками «ощипывали» ее так, что на ней не оставалось ни одного засахаренного ореха, яркого картонажа или пряника, а, порой, и веток.

Sometimes trees were even sold in pastry shops, already decorated with sweets. But only the wealthiest could afford such trees. The rest were happy to do needlework on their own and create decorations for the Christmas tree. A special art was the creation of a Christmas tree bonbonniere, a decoration for a Christmas tree, into which small candies were poured.
In addition, the tree was decorated with homemade paper chains, cardboard boxes, firecrackers, gelatin lanterns, cotton toys, gilded nuts, gingerbread cookies and candied apples. And under the tree they put a Christmas nativity scene, which they also most often created with their own hands.
Christmas was celebrated for 12 days. On these days, they went to visit, to the theater, organized balls and home performances and musical evenings. They arranged living pictures, mummers went to their homes, many wondered, although the church was not encouraged even then, but the tradition took root firmly.
Gifts were usually not very expensive, even in wealthy families. The main thing was the feeling of celebration, the atmosphere of magic and unity.

In addition to sweets and cute souvenirs created by your own hands, small wooden dolls, which were called skeletons, were popular as a gift, and the little mistress herself had to dress them up. Figures of angels, magical and ordinary animals, cars and sleighs were also loved. They always bought a lot of gifts to give gifts not only to their children, but also to the children of numerous servants or village children.
I would like in our days not to lose that childish feeling of magic, love for one's neighbor and unity, for which the Christmas time is famous.
По книге «Ёлка. Сто лет назад»
Collection. Compiled by Elena Kim 2019
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