Passionate about dolls (Celebrity dolls)

The world of dolls is very interesting and multifaceted. Once you plunge into it, you stay there forever.
Today I want to tell you about people who collect entire collections of wonderful dolls.
This hobby is called Plangonology... It's not just about antique, unique, wooden or porcelain dolls. Nowadays, there is such a variety of copyright, made in a single copy, or publicly available plastic beauties that it is very difficult not to succumb to their charm.
It is doubly interesting when public people, well known to us, are subject to this hobby.
Collectors, gatherers - who are they? Most of them are kind, slightly naive, unambiguously open, not afraid to share their hobbies with others. These people objectively value beauty and even see the zest, the author's handwriting, in the unattractive.
It can be assumed that this category of collectors includes exclusively the fair sex. But no, and gentlemen are not uncommon guests here.
Famous collectors.
The wonderful American actor Dustin Hoffman, known all over the world for the film "Tootsie" is a very touching hobby.
He collects teddy bears Teddy... The actor already has more than a thousand of them. Hoffman keeps his collection in special cabinets with glass doors, which allow a good view of the exhibits displayed in them.
The famous actor, in his country house, has allocated a whole room for his friends-bear cubs. But it seems that additional space will soon be needed, because the number of soft toys the Hollywood star has is rapidly increasing day by day.
Who today is not familiar with the work of one of the most unusual and brilliant directors of our time Timothy Burton)? His gloomy, but so sincere, ironic and subtle heroes fascinate at first sight.
An artist, animator, puppeteer, screenwriter, director, cult master has embodied the most incredible images and stories on the screen.
After graduating from university, Tim receives an invitation from Walt Disney Studios as a character designer and animator. The author compared working at the Disney studio with serving in the army, everything is strict and on schedule.
Puppet images, collected with great love Burton in his own films are the most autobiographical images in contemporary cinema. Plunged into the world of the characters, "abnormal individualists", as the author himself calls them, we get a glimpse into the spiritual world of their creator.
Burton's Favorite Actor Johnny Depp, could not help but become infected with love for puppet characters. Hollywood star collects limited edition Celebrity Barbie dolls.
Depp's collection includes dolls depicting various figures in show business: Beyoncé, Elvis Presley, Donnie Osborne, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.
Audrey Hepburn Barbie doll "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Barbie doll Marilyn Monroe
Johnny admits ironically: “I really love playing with Barbie. And I think it's a wonderful activity in the company of children. This is the only thing I do really well. "
By the way, Depp also collects dolls of his film roles.
Ken Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland
The star also has a collection of figures of evil clowns. According to him, it helps to fight the phobia of clowns (colrophobia), received by the actor in childhood.
Demi Moore's incredible collection.
But still, with the collection of the famous American actress, Demmy Moor, few can compete. As a child, Demi suffered from a lack of toys, and having become popular, she began to buy them herself. Now the collection of the actress has exceeded the mark of three thousand copies. Demi collects completely different dolls, author's, porcelain, strange, scary, Barbie and even toy soldiers.
The main theme of the collection is strange and scary specimens. Demi says these dolls remind her of her childhood, when she was a rather awkward, cross-eyed child.
Former husband of the actress Ashton Kutcher, once wrote: “Every day, passing by my wife’s insane collection of three thousand realistic copies of modern art, I try to convince her to open a museum and bring this whole army away from home. The dolls look at me, promising nightmares, I think I hear; "Hi Ashton, I'm watching you."
Demi Moore insured her precious hobby for almost 2.5 thousand dollars.
Love for dolls is submissive ...
Who Said Men Don't Like Antique Dolls? Firm copy Simon & Halbig in the strong arms of "Iron Arnie" (Arnold Schwarzenegger).
Among the famous doll collectors are such show business stars as Britney Spears (antique dolls), Merlin Manson (Blythe dolls), Milla Jovovich (doll houses). Collectors were Michael Jackson (designer dolls, porcelain, in national costumes), Princess Diana, Marlene Dietrich, Freddie Mercury and Grace Kelly.
Even the king of Bahrain has a doll of the famous author Nina Radzikhovskaya in the palace:
There are many famous people in Russia who have a reverent feeling for dolls.
Songwriter and Leader of the Time Machine group Andrey Makarevich for many years, he has been collecting Venetian beauties with enthusiasm.
Master class with Svetlana Pchelnikova
The singer's house is full of mystical characters and author's dolls
Big hospitable house Anita Tsoi - a real museum of porcelain dolls The singer believes that any woman would be glad to be in such a golden cage in which her beloved beauties live.
Everything is immersed in luxury, flowers and silks. Anita Tsoi's collection already contains about a hundred porcelain dolls.
Passion for collecting did not pass by the wonderful Russian actress Vera Sotnikova.
In her country house, the entire sofa is lined with dolls, mostly made by craftsmen. Elisabeth Lindner dolls, Elizabeth Lindner, to which, the actress has a special, quivering love.
The beautiful Russian actress Evgeniya Kryukova an amazing collection of luxury dolls. The celebrity herself is the author of many wonderful characters.
Actress Evgeniya Kryukova and a doll she created for a charity auction in favor of little patients at the Children's Morozov Hospital
It is very inspiring that in our difficult time, collectors, famous people, take part in charity events aimed at helping those who need it. Many create themselves or submit their exclusive exhibits to auctions.
At various times, these charity events were attended by: Mikhail Shvydkoy, Anita Tsoi, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Elena Ishcheeva, Tatiana Pushkina, Yakov Brandt, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Andrei Makarevich, Artemy Troitsky, Philip Kirkorov, Masha Shakhova, Andrei Merzlikin. The list is endless.
This is how our beautiful Dolls are able not only to bring beauty and joy into the house, but also help people, teach kindness and compassion.
All photos are taken from open sources on the Internet.
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