Reflections on the ideal. Sketch.
Do you have a desire to make an imperfect doll?
Let's start with a definition.
Ideal - from the Greek, kind, image, idea; the highest goal of activity, aspirations; perfect embodiment of something.
When an artist starts creating a doll, he has an image of what he wants to get as a result. Even if this image is unconscious. It is worth clarifying here: the artist does it according to his own idea and desire.
Beginners and ideal
And here newcomers are often overtaken by despair. From the seemingly endless distance between the desired image and what happens in reality. For many, this difference stops at the first doll. Sometimes forever.
I would like to briefly retell a story from the book “Art and Fear. A Survival Guide for the Contemporary Artist. D. Bailes T. Orland.
In the pottery class, the teacher divided the group into two parts. One task was to make as many pots as possible. The more - the higher the score. The other had to be made during the same time, only one "flawless" pot.
I'm sure you can guess whose pots were of the best quality.
"If you think good work is synonymous with excellence, get ready for some big trouble ..."
Criteria for the ideality of a doll.
What is perfection in a doll? Perfect sanding? Painting without flaws? Is the costume fully consistent with the declared era? Anatomical precision?
I have no answer to this question. Let's reflect!
Ideality and spectator, technique vs image.
I was a witness. The doll, which accidentally had two left legs, struck a visitor to the exhibition of educational works in the very heart. For her, this doll was beautiful to fit into her idea of the ideal. And if the image has sunk into the soul, then it doesn't matter what kind of legs the doll has.
How many people are there and so many ideal images.
You will be surprised, but what about the masterpieces of world art?
Are you sure everyone really likes them? And that they are, in the opinion of all, ideal? - I ask you with a smile.
These are works of art recognized by a huge part of humanity. But there are people who absolutely do not like them. It's just not customary to talk about it, you will be called an ignoramus. And even many researchers will be able to prove that they are imperfect.
Let's return to the definition of the ideal - the perfect embodiment of something, the highest goal of activity, type, image, idea. And then it turns out that the artist, planning to make an “imperfect” doll, has its ideal image in his head.
Ideality in imperfection? Ideality as conformity to design?
Let's talk?
Best regards, Svetlana Zaripova.
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