The role of the doll in the history of mankind, from Antiquity to the Present
If you ask me what interesting thing I would like to see in the past, it is undoubtedly the appearance of the first Puppet. Have you ever noticed the magic the Doll possesses! ... -
Teddy Doll, what is it?
A new fashion? A creative trend? When I first saw this miracle-head puppet with a bear body, my reaction was rather negative. I didn't understand the point. Why, why? ... -
Vladlena and her fairy kingdom
Three hours from Riga, the capital of Latvia, is the small town of Preili. Despite its ancient history and natural beauty, the town with a population of 9 ... -
Where does a person get the desire to create?
The creativity of puppeteers, unlike the everyday concerns of everyday life, is created without the direct necessity of life. Having a need to create a new and novel doll and share some kind of story about it, ... -
History of unique dolls
Одна из самых необычных, уникальных и дорогих кукол в мире носит имя «L’Oiseleur» — «Птицелов» Если бы я родилась в Швейцарии, я не упустила бы ... -
Marta Hidalgo
When I was a cartoonist, creating layouts and storyboards, I never thought I would eventually become a pastry artist. But the minute I tried sculpting ... -
Meet Elena Fomicheva!
«Свою самую первую куклу я сделала в 2011 году, когда моя дочь училась в художественной школе. У нее был предмет по созданию авторской куклы. Я тогда ... -
Moth master class
Hello. I am Bondar Katerina, a master of piece things and dolls. I invite you to a master class on creating a moth. This is an interior decoration with a secret. A moth and a brooch in one ... -
Meet Margarita Dadykina
Знакомьтесь, Маргарита Дадыкина @margarita_dadykina_artdolls: ⠀ — Я родилась в Харькове в семье инженеров по строительству дорог. С двух лет и на протяжении всей жизни рисовала людей, ... -
Meet Olga Yudina
Meet Olga Yudina @olga.yudina_dolls: ⠀ "...What is an author doll? An expensive toy? A subject of interior? A modern form of art and self-expression...? Everyone sees something different in it. ⠀ I ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023