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    In this video I will tell you how I made the Miracle Whale out of cardboard. I translated the whale pattern onto cardboard, 2 mm thick. All the details were cut out and sanded with a nail file. To make hanging loops, I twisted a thin wire in half. To give mobility to the tail, I glued a thread folded four times to the body. Using PVA glue, I connected the hinges and that's it ...
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    Realism in nylon. "It would not have occurred to me that such realistic figures could be created from nylon fabric," says Lisa Lichtenfels, founder of sculptural textiles, an artist from Massachusetts (USA). With her inherent imagination, humor and understanding of psychology, the master creates real sculptural portraits, uniting the heroes with complex plots and compositions. For over twenty-five years ...
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    In this video I will show you how to make permanent clothes for your doll. All my dolls are not play, interior and collectible. I love to sew fixed clothes for them. She looks more natural and natural, sits better on the doll. I sew everything, even the smallest, details of clothing on a sewing machine. After trying on, in this case, fur coats, edges ...
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    This year, for the first time in 15 years, the State Hermitage has brought to Moscow a previously unseen exhibition from its own funds. The exposition is dedicated to the ceremonial and everyday life of the Russian Court - one of the most magnificent royal courts in Europe. Works of painting and graphics, archival documents, samples of weapons, items made of precious metals were presented. But, the main exhibits are costumes and ...
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    Today we will talk about the author who creates porcelain masterpieces. A girl from Siberia, Marina Bychkova, in love with dolls since early childhood, became the creator of articulated porcelain maidens, the founder of the world famous Enchanted Doll brand. Marina was born in Russia, in the city of Novokuznetsk, in 1982. And in her own words, she is proud of her Russian origin. The family moved to Canada when Marina was ...
  • Terry Pratchett 08 oblojka

     DRAFT LETTER FROM LANCRE. STORY CONTINUED: "Pumpkins and More" Good afternoon, dear readers. It has already become a good tradition to tell you something new every week about our beloved Sheep and the lives of their inhabitants. Today we will tell you a little about the flora and fauna of Pupzelle, using the example of the one that can be found bypassing the farm of the real WITCH. I think you've heard about ...
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    Mythological images of the master. Forest Rogers was born in 1961 into a creative family of artists. The sculptor recalls how, as a child, her mother drew paper dolls-trolls, nymphs and alien creatures for her. The girl grew up in a creative environment full of muses and fabulous secrets. Talking about her grandmother's house, "which looked like a time machine," Forest recalls that her favorite attraction was ...
  • terry pratchett part07 oblogka

    DRAFT LETTER FROM LANCRE. STORY CONTINUED: "Magic stones" Today the Chief Architect of our project, Natalia Bocharova, will tell you about magic stones. The magic field in the vicinity of the Ovtsepiks is very dense. Perhaps it is the high level of residual magic that the kingdom owes to the fact that it contains at least two exits to other dimensions. In the recent past, elves living ...
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    The formula for success from PopovySISTERS - Love what you do. Twin sisters Ekaterina and Elena Popova create real masterpieces in their home near St. Petersburg. Their creations have conquered the fashion world and have been recognised as real art objects. The British from the progressive platform INFRINGE made a film about the sisters' work. The PopovySISTERS doll lives at Ilon Musk's place! A handmade translucent cyber goddess graced the cover of singer ... singer's album cover ...
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    ArtAi - a fad, a hobby or an original idea in galleristics? Let's figure it out together! To explain the idea of holding a puppet exhibition far away from civilisation, in the Altai Mountains, it is important to tell about the place. ArtAi - gallery is located in the Altai Mountains at the Tsarskaya Okhota tourist complex. The place itself is unique. On the bank of the beautiful river Katun there is a suspension bridge, resting ...