Tag: художественная кукла
Masterclass. Stag beetle
In this masterclass, you will learn how to make a textile Beetlejuice puppet with your own hands. Have fun creating it! Material prepared by Anastasia Golenieva -
Evoking vivid emotions...
Today, in the column 'Contemporary Masters', we introduce you to Elena Kochurova, a very interesting author, who masterfully combines realistic sculpture and dynamic movements of dolls. Elena creates bdz (articulated) characters. Peculiarity of these dolls is harmony between anatomical movements of articulated figures and realistic image of Heroes. The master says: I was born in Moscow. I've finished the art school, took intensive courses in ... -
Master class. Painting the Hatter's face
In this video I will tell you how to paint the face of our Hero. Synthetic brushes (# 2 and #000) and acrylic paint are used: Titanium Whitewash (white) Umber (brown) Bordeaux (maroon) Light Violet (purple) Yellow (yellow) Ultramarine Blue (blue) Carbon Black (black) Scarlet (red) Enjoy your creativity! Material prepared by Alexandra Tiunova -
IDOLL Textile
Exhibition of author textile dolls, art textile and felt in St. Petersburg (24 June - 3 July 2022). An exhibition of author dolls, art textiles and felting has opened in St Petersburg, at the Centre for Books and Graphics Gallery. In two halls of the exposition are the works of doll artists from different cities of Russia, near and far abroad. The exhibition brought together over 120 works by 45 authors from ... -
Master class. Hatter
The Hatter is the hero of Alice in Wonderland. In this video I will tell you how to make a movable toy with your own hands. Such an articulated doll will not only be an unusual gift, but will please both children and adults. The size of the doll: 18.5 x 6.5 cm. Necessary materials and tools: Binding cardboard 1.5 mm, Cardboard thin Capron stockings Threads Lace ... -
XIV Dollscar. Exhibition - 2022
On 18 June in Moscow, Amber Plaza, Krasnoproletarskaya Street, d. 36, took place Russia's largest BJD-Con, the annual exhibition-festival dedicated to BJD and other articulated dolls - Dollscar This is the main event of the year for all lovers of articulated dolls! There are creative competitions, a huge trade zone, Russian and foreign participants, and most importantly - continuous communication with like-minded people. ... -
Masterclass. Bouquet of flowers
In this workshop, you will learn how to create a textile flower bouquet with your own hands. Have fun creating it! Material prepared by Anastasia Golenieva -
Charming Jabot
Jabot - (from French jabot - bird's mouth) appeared in European costume in the XVII century, firmly entrenched in the male costume of the French nobility and valued more than other accessories! Jabot with snow-white shirt should have certainly stood out in the neckline of the waistcoat or camisole. An interesting fact - jabot was a favorite costume element not only for the nobility, but also for pirates. -
Masterclass. Miniature samovars
In this video I will tell you how to make miniature samovars for a doll composition. Materials needed: Cardboard Wire beads foil Tinfoil Tinfoil "Iris" String Acrylic paint PVA Glue Thermal Adhesive Scissors Leather Pliers Pliers Brushes Enjoy the creativity! Material prepared by Tiunova Alexandra -
DDNEWS' pick for June: The Lobster
Today we present Anastasia Goleneva and her work 'Lobster', an amazing craftsman who creates memorable images from textiles. The master talks about herself: Higher education, a fashion designer. Vyacheslav Zaitsev taught a composition course in the 5th year of the institute. Diploma defence took place in his fashion house. Worked in the manufacture of women's fashion clothes for 15 years. After the birth of her second son, she left ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023