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    In this video I will show you how to remove the plaster mold from the head of a Fluo doll. Before starting work, cover the doll's head with acrylic varnish. Then we determine into how many parts we will divide the future mold for casting. Determine where the seams will be. We circle the joints-seams with an indelible marker and prepare plasticine for the formwork of the head We grease the detail of the head with a fat cream, for further ...
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    According to the observations of psychologists, doctors and parents, the doll helps the child to recover. It has been proven that playing with a doll develops memory, natural abilities, speech and imagination. Through the doll, the child is freed from his negative emotions. It is not for nothing that at present there are many master classes with children on creating a doll. Along with ordinary children, children with special needs learn to make a doll. ...
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    On October 7, a unique exhibition of dolls and teddy bears by the "Bridges" dollmakers' association, titled "Time, Forward!", opened at the Museum of St. Petersburg Avant-Garde on the Petrograd side. The creative legacy of the Russian avant-garde has always been a source of inspiration for contemporary artists working in all fields of art - painting, drawing, architecture, and decorative and applied arts. Masters of the Russian avant-garde created an artistic language that is used ...
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    Addition to the master class on the Wabi-sabi doll chair. At the request of the masters, in this video I will tell you how to stitch the back of a chair for dolls, up to 30 cm high. This type of stitch is called "Carriage". We will use beads instead of buttons. We will need: Cardboard Glue Cloth Strong thread of the corresponding color and beads. Needle and scissors The video shows the sequence ...
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    Creativity is like a journey to yourself. Today we will touch upon an interesting topic that periodically arises for each author, regardless of his creative experience. Let's talk about the fears of puppeteer artists. And we will discuss this topic with the wonderful master Lilia Glushchenko. Her work "Sunny Mom" took SECOND PLACE in the competition organized by the Creative Union of Artists of the DPI section of the Author's Doll, "My Cosmos". Lilia says: “I want ...
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    Where do you draw inspiration from or who can help you grow your wings? We are all very different, and we all see the world differently. But there is certainly something we have in common. We want to express what lives inside us, to talk about our vision of creativity and art - maybe to argue, maybe to find like-minded people and admirers. Where do we get our inspiration from? Today, this question is addressed to ...
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    This autumn is rich in anniversary dates directly related to the puppet theater. Puppet theater has always attracted by its similarity with people's life. The topic of personal freedom has always occupied the minds of all philosophers of the world. In search of this freedom, a person compared himself with a doll, which is skillfully controlled with the help of threads. But, under similar conditions, the doll always had a big ...
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    DRAFT LETTER FROM LANCRE. CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY: "Little Free People" Dear friends, the Art of the Doll exhibition, which we have been preparing for so long, is getting closer, there are only two months left. SHOULD BE CONCENTRATED. We will definitely write to you and tell you how things are going with us in Ovtsepiki. See you soon! The material was prepared by Lyudmila Bulatnikova  
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    The idea of the Innocent Turnover project appeared in the early spring of 2020, when a note of bad excitement was already in the air. A group of artists wondered where they could find support and consolation. Of course, in the great Russian literature, which tells exactly about difficult and troubled times! We decided to make dolls and walk around the city with them when all quarantines and restrictions are lifted. ...
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    In this video I will tell you how to make a chair for a doll, up to 30 cm high. What is "Wabi-sabi" and why did I decide to call this Master class like that? The Japanese associate these concepts with simplicity and silence, and interpret them as unassuming, modest beauty For the frame of the chair, we need cardboard, 2 mm thick According to the template, we cut out enough details for ...